Chapter 7

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Winnie was sitting on the porch steps, her chin resting on her palm, staring into space.

"Hey," Jesse said, making her jump. "Am I really that scary?" He sat next to her.

"I didn't hear you," she said defensively, sitting up straight. 

"So, how do you like this place?"

"It's so quiet and peaceful. I love it." She looked at him for the first time. He had his usual grin spread across his face. That smile was more contagious than the flu, and it was quickly reflected on her. "What's the food for?"

"I have to bring it to Pa. Let's get it over with now, so I can show you the nice part of the property." He stood up and offered her his free hand, the plate balanced in his other. She bit her lip and looked down. She still felt bad whenever her eyes met Tuck's. She felt like he was disappointed in her.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, sure," Jesse said. He awkwardly pulled his hand back. "Are you okay?" A thought struck his mind, making him visibly flinch. She didn't notice.

"I'm fine."

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." He hurried around to the back of the house, leaving her alone again. She rested her head against the handrail and let out a breath. It was the first time since she saw Jesse in her wood a few days before that she was able to truly stop to think. A dangerous thing to do.

She was so lost in her mind, she didn't notice him return until he spoke.


"Oh, yeah." She stood up, and he took her hand.

"You sure you're all right, Winnie? You can tell me if something's wrong."

"It's nothing, I'm fine." He sighed and started for the trees. They were only a few trees in when he stopped and turned back to face her. 

"You regret drinking the water, don't you?" He asked. This caught her off guard.

"No! Jesse-"

"It's okay. If we're moving too fast, we can slow down. We don't have to get married."

"It's not that. I really do want to marry you. I just think I left home too quickly. I didn't have time to say goodbye."

"Then we'll go back to Treegap first. You can say your goodbyes, then we'll move on."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"Of course not. We have all the time in the world. We're not in any kind of hurry."

"Thank you, Jesse." He let go of her hand and pulled her to him. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, her forehead pressed against his neck.

"That's not all that was bothering you," he muttered. "Tell me what it is."

"Did I make up my mind too quickly? It all seemed perfect for the six years. I missed you all too much. But now-"

"Now we'll always be together, and we'll always be safe. Don't you see? Nothing can hurt us. We can go everywhere, do everything. We never get sick. We can't die. We don't age. We don't change. We'll get to experience everything in the future."

"I know, but what about never being able to settle down? Never being able to stay anywhere longer than a few years?"

"Ma says you don't see the bad sides to things unless you're looking. So stop looking."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Not everyone can be as optimistic as me." He pulled out, and she let out a breath. "Come on, I still get to show you around our little 'woods.' It's not as big as yours, and there's no magic spring, but it's nice." He took her hand and pulled her behind him. He picked his pace up to a run, and she shook her head before sprinting to catch up.

"It's the turn of the century!" He cried. "Things are changing everywhere! There are women protesting for the right to vote! We'll get to experience history! Can you imagine?"

They ran as fast as their legs would carry them, dodging trees, laughing their heads off for no reason. They stopped to catch their breath and doubled over.

"Better?" He panted. She nodded. He pulled her close again, and her cheeks turned bright pink. "You are still the Winnie I met all those years ago." She blushed harder, making his grin spread wider. "I hope you're like this forever." He put a hand under her chin.

Suddenly, she was terrified he was going to kiss her. But at the same time, she found she longed for it to happen. Then she was leaning in. Before they knew it, before they had time to think about it actually happening, his lips were touching hers.

Kissing was a lot stranger than Winnie would have thought. Her eyes closed on their own, so it was dark. One of her arms hung limp at her side, her other hand still held captive by his. Her mind shut down. His fingers spread out on her cheek, his thumb still under her chin. He pulled away very slowly.

"That was nice, wasn't it?" He breathed. She nodded, her eyes reopening sluggishly.


He kissed her again. He squeezed her hand. She didn't think her heart could beat any faster.

"You doing okay?" He asked, pulling away but keeping their foreheads pressed together. Her eyes stayed closed. He chuckled softly. "You'd better get used to that. We are getting married, after all."

"I know," she said, a smile creeping onto her lips (which were still tingling.) "I was part of that decision."

"Atta-girl!" He stepped back from her and beamed. "That was almost a joke!"

"Quiet, you."

"Oh, this is gonna be great!"


"Us! You'll get better at those in time, and time's all we got!" She laughed. "C'mon, let's keep going. There's still a bit of land left, and if we take our time on the way back, we'll be just in time for lunch."

"You've got this down to an art, don't you?"

"Yeah. I spent a lot of time out here. Reminded me of you." She tugged at his hand and started walking to hide her blush. "You know, I used to imagine you were out here with me. I would..." He laughed nervously. "I would talk to you. Neighbor though I was insane."

"That I did, Tuck."

AN: Whoop! It's been a month! I don't have an excuse, I was just being lazy. Also, I know that with the book's timeline this would take place in 1887ish, but in the musical it would be 1899, and that's more exciting. So live with it.

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