I watched the clock tick away the last few seconds of the day. When it finally hit 5 o'clock, we both stood up in unison and headed toward the exit, completely done with the day.

I checked my phone in the elevator on the way down to the parking garage. There was no new notification.

"She hasn't tried to contact you, yet?" Seeley noticed my disappointment when I pocket my phone.

"No." I sighed. "She worried me this morning. I don't know, she hasn't been acting like herself. She seemed... sad. I don't know. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. She'll call when she's ready."

Seeley clapped me on the back, "Yeah. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." He then changed the subject when the elevator doors opened. "Did you say that you were going to the Library opening on Friday?"

I nodded, "Yeah, at least I think I'm still going."

"Yeah, my mother just called and said I had to make an appearance. Hopefully you go so I don't have to mingle with my father's political associates. I thought I left those obligations behind when I chose a medical career."

I smiled, "Poor Seeley, born to the vice president. Where his biggest worry is that he has to make small talk with politicians. You live such a hard life, man."

He punched me in the arm, "Shut it, Flint. I'm counting on you to be there."

We approached our cars. "Why don't you just take a date. I'm sure there are plenty of girls out there that would love to be on the vice president's son's arm."

He rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, I think I'll pass. Mother would just criticize her and then scold me for bringing such an unworthy girl home."

"Sounds like it's happened before."

He threw his bag in his car. "Nah, but if I ever did bring home someone, I can only imagine what Mother would say. I don't think anyone can live up to Mother's standards. I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully some of those doctors have responded to my calls. If not, we might have to go on a man hunt In the morning."

I smiled, "I'll bring my pitchfork."

Seeley chuckled, got into his car and drove off. I sat in my car for a few minutes, staring at my phone. Should I call her again? Maybe I should just give her space. I was just worried, she seemed upset on the phone this morning. I sighed and shoved my phone back into my bag and started my car.

My thoughts consumed her on my drive home, and pretty soon I found myself making a u-turn and heading to the other side of town. I made a quick stop before heading to her house.

When I pulled up her half circle driveway, I noticed all the cars parked in the street. All the lights were on in her house, and I could hear music and voices floating out into the night air. A boy in a red blazer walked up to the car. A valet.

"Welcome, sir. Can I take your car?"

Confused, I just nodded. I exited the car, leaving the keys in the ignition. I had never technically been invited to Serena's house. The only time I had ever been inside was one late night when she sneaked me in after our third date. I left before the morning and didn't get a chance to look around. I had always picked her up, only ever getting a glance at they foyer as the door shut behind her.

I cleared my throat and raised my hand to knock. The front door swung open first. A butler appeared, "Yes?"

I gave a nervous smile, "Hi. I'm here to see Serena?"

He looked down his abnormally large nose at me. "Who may I say is asking for her?"

"Flint Bly."

"Ah, Mr. Bly. I didn't know what to expect. You may come in."

Confused, I walked across the threshold into the foyer. "Uh, Thanks." I wiped my clammy hands on my pants.

"Miss Serena said you were always welcome. She is around the party somewhere, would you like me to fetch her?" He didn't seem to thrilled at Serena's standing invitation for me.

I shook my head, "Uh, no. I think I'll be able to find her."

"Very well." Without another word he vanished to attend to something else more important I supposed. He didn't seem all that interested in me.

I peeked into the living room beyond the foyer and saw that a party of some sorts was going on. I immediately regretted the decision of letting the butler leave me alone. I wish I had just had him 'fetch' her. I was not dressed for this party. Every one was in tuxes and gowns. I took comfort in the fact that I wore slacks to work today instead of scrubs. At least I didn't stick out too much.

I was trying to work up the courage to weave through the crowd of what was probably famous politicians and other members of the elite class, when I saw her make her way through the room. She was on the other side of the sea of people. I tried to predict her end destination as she moved, but she was stopped so frequently by people that it was impossible to predict where she was headed. 

I thought about engaging her in a game of cat and mouse, when she looked over. Our eyes connected, hers grew wide with surprise. I tried to figure out if it was a good or bad surprise. She looked up, then right at me, then turned her attention back towards the old man who was speaking to her.

I got the signal and started up the stairs to my left and toward her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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