"i can't take it any longer..."

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The third and final part is here! Thanks for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed it!

I can't take it any longer. But my will is getting stronger. And I think I know just what I have to do.

I pace the floor of my living room like a caged tiger, shooting glares at the front door with every turn. Cole will be coming through it at any minute, and he has a rude awakening waiting for him when he does.

I've made up my mind that this little game of his is going to be coming to an end tonight. I've given him over a year to keep his word, and he has yet to do it. He's only led me in the same song and dance routine, twirling me in never-ending circles and whispering sweet nothings and empty promises all the while.

It's not going to happen anymore. I'm ready to break the spell. I'm ready to release his hold on me and move on with my life.

I can't waste another minute after all that I've put in it. I've given you my best. Why does she get the best of you?

A soft knock falls on the door before it opens to reveal Cole, that grin that I've let charm me one too many times on his face as he steps into the house.

"Hey, baby girl." His smile grows wider as he makes his way over to me.

He moves in for a hug, but I put my arm out, my hand landing on his chest to stop him from closing the gap between us.

The smile fades from his face, and his brow furrows in concern. "What's wrong, darling?"

"First of all, I am not your darling," I snarl matter-of-factly, shooting daggers at him. "Second, i can't believe you even have to ask what's wrong with me."


He tries to hold me once more. I dodge his attempt, feeling the anger within me steadily rise.

"Don't touch me, Cole!" I glare at him, swiping his arm away from me. "Instead, why don't you just explain this to me?"

I toss him my phone, giving him a moment to take in the article and pictures lighting up the screen. 'Country Weekly' did a new artist spotlight on Cole, and a good chunk of the article details his relationship with Katie. A picture of her cheesing for the camera while he smiles into a kiss on her cheek is included, situated smack-dab in the middle of the page.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the straw to break the camel's back.

His face pales, and he turns his wide-eyed gaze back to me. "Hailey, it's not what it looks like."

"Then what exactly is it, Cole? Because it seems pretty damn clear to me. You've been lying to me this whole time. Every time you've claimed that you didn't love her...you were lying!"

I feel my eyes begin to sting with tears, but I force myself to hold them back with every ounce of strength I have. Like hell am I about to look weak by bursting into tears right now.

"I've given you everything over the last year," I pointed out. "All of my attention...all of my love...every time you said you wanted to see me, I dropped everything for you. I've given you the best of me, Colden. And what have I gotten in return? Nothing but lies."

"I wasn't lying!" he insists. "I've explained exactly how I feel to you a million times!"

"The. why is this lovely article where you're singing her praises and gushing about how head-over-heels you are for her staring me in the face right now?" I snatch my phone from him, glaring at the picture before tossing the phone onto the couch behind me.

"What was I supposed to say when they asked me about her? Was I supposed to just flat-out admit everything?"

"If you would have just admitted everything to her a year ago, this wouldn't even be an issue!" I yell back at him.

"I've told you a thousand times, i'm going to tell her!"

"Well, why wait another minute?" I demand, retrieving my phone from the couch and thrusting it out to him. "Why don't you call her up right now and make an honest man out of yourself?"

He stands there, unmoving and silent. Finally, he sighs, looking at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Hailey."

So, next time you find you wanna leave her bed for mine...

I stare at him. This is the response that I expected from him, but knowing that it was coming doesn't stop the slight feeling of shock that I feel  once the words leave his mouth and the realization dawns on me.

This thing that I have put so much energy and effort and love into for the past year...is really over.

"I can't believe that anymore, Cole." I shake my head at him.

His mouth opens, but he doesn't say anything. Closing his mouth, he looks at me with unblinking his eyes before clearing his throat slightly.

"Hailey...what are you saying?"

Why don't you stay? I'm up off my knees. I'm so tired of being lonely. You can't give me what I need. When she begs you not to go, there is one thing you should know. I don't have to live this way.

"I'm saying that I'm done." I stare him straight in the eye, keeping my chin up and my voice firm. "I can't keep playing this game. I deserve better than this."

"I realize that, and I want to give you more." He reaches for my arm again, but I step away from him. "I just...it's so hard. I love you, but...I can't leave her."

"That tells me you actually don't love me at all," I respond, my resolve still not faltering. "If you did, you would have already left her. But you haven't. and I can't keep living like this. I won't keep living like this."

Cole doesn't say anything for a few moments as his eyes bore sorrowfully into mine.

"Well, I hate that it's come down to this," he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he trains his gaze on the floor before bringing it back to mine. "I'm sorry, Hailey."

I make my way over to the door wordlessly, opening it before turning to face him again.

"Go home, Cole," I instruct him softly.

He lingers, his eyes still pleading with me. I stand firm, though, still ready to end this once and for all.

Finally, he sighs and drops his head before stepping toward the door.

"I really am sorry." He gives me one last look as he passes over the threshold.

For a split second, I hesitate, giving myself one final chance to change my mind. Then, all the months of heartache, tears, and sleepless nights come flooding back to me...and I know that what I'm doing is for the best.

"Good-bye, Colden."

And with that, I close the door...and my heart along with it.

Baby, why don't you stay?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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