Chapter 1

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    Jonathan Mason sat down on the beach. He rubbed his hands across his pants to wipe off the blood off, then brushed his golden locks from his face. With the predawn just beginning, he could feel its rays warming him more quickly than ever before. In one hand was the white silk blouse that had just washed ashore; in the other, a small leather bound journal. Opening it for the fist time, he found the most delicate script he had ever seen. With the faint light of the new day he was able to read its contents. 

3 June 1888

seven o'clock in the pm  

     He comes to me while I sleep. Night after night, he stands in the door watching me. I feel his eyes on me as I stir; I know he is there. I try to wake, each night getting closer to being able to meet his gaze with mine.

     I do not know who he is or where he comes from. I have not seen him, yet strangely enough , I can picture how he appears: long dark flowing hair, deep mahogany eyes, pale complexion...

    Once again, last night he was in the doorway. However, this time was different; I was able to open my eyes, yet I saw only a dark shadow disappear over the edge of the terrace.

   The remainder of the day passed without event. This island is dead. This is the first summer I have had to spend here. Normally during the summer months, I travel with my parents. This time however, they decided they wanted their privacy.

  I waited an hour, this afternoon, for the mail boat. No letters for me were delivered. Meals were as usual; I took them alone in my room. Martha, my housemaid, tried to cheer me and give me some company. However, my loneliness and boredom continue. Martha informed me that my parents will not be returning to Cliffhome Manor until the end of the month - not next week as previously planned. 

   For these reasons, I have decided to keep this journal. Maybe someday when I am older, I will find this small book sitting around somewhere, pick it up and read about how lonely I am today. 

   The only excitement in my life right now is this mystery man. With my luck, he will turn out to be one of the locals who lives here all year long, trying to get a peek at who we live. Even if he is a local, it will add some liveliness to my otherwise dull existence. Maybe I could convince him to take me to his village, to allow me some freedom to explore outside Cliffhome Manor. Maybe he is intelligent and will converse with me. We could  talk about anything; anything is better than sitting here staring at these walls. Maybe he will , well, we could, you know...No, I should not even think that or it might not come true.

 Tonight, with every ounce of sheer will I have, I am going to wake myself up when I feel his eyes upon me. Until tomorrow...

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