Chapter 1

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Yesu, hi hi~ Ruka-chan is now officially back to continue her works~ I'm glad my laptop came back, lol. So, here I posted the chapter one of this story. But gomen, I still update slow bc school~ Such gomen T.T

"Isn't it a difficult task to take of your hair?" she questioned as she watched me combing my long black hair with my own fingers. "Not really," I replied, and continued stroking my fingers through my silky locks.

We were both getting ready for bed, and she just watched me doing my thing while sitting next to me with her back supported against the wall. I took a glance at her, and when I did, she looked away crossing her arms with her usual emotionless look on her pretty face with her right bangs covering her right eye.

"Annie," I called out her name the moment I stopped running my fingers through my hair. "Have you already decided?" I asked her. It was about the military branch we were joining to after our graduation.

"I guess I'll be going to Military Police," she answered. I was quite surprised to hear her say that, 'cause I was expecting for a skilled soldier like her to join the Scouting Legions or the Stationary Guards, atleast. Instead of making a surprised look on my face, I still kept my cool like I usually did.

"How about you?" she returned the question to me. This time, she looked at me straight in my eyes. "Scouting Legion," was my simple answer. "Seriously?" she asked me.

"Is there anything wrong about that?" I questioned her. She didn't move a muscle, and I looked away from her upon hearing her silence towards me. And finally, she spoke up. "Nothing.. It's just, aren't you scared of going out of the walls and face the Titans again?" she said.

Scared? Going out of the walls? Face the Titans... Again?

To be honest, I actually didn't think about facing the Titans upon joining the Survey Corps. And those feelings called 'scare'.. I don't really care about that anymore. All I cared about was to go outside the walls, not because I wanted to see the outside world, but because a mysterious voice haunted me.

I was certain that the voice came outside the walls. It calls out my name at a random time of the day, and it creeps me a little. Since this thing happend a lot when I turned 15, I joined the 104th Trainees Squad, making me think after I graduate, I can join the military branch called the Scouting Legions who were the ones who can go outside the walls.

About the mysterious voice, it made me curious enough to find out what it was. At first, I thought it was just some kind of my imagination, but it happens almost everyday and anytime of the day. I never talked about it to anyone, for I know they wouldn't believe me. And besides, who the hell will believe a person who lives inside the Wall Maria which is far enough from the Wall Rose to hear that the 'creepy voice' comes from outside the walls? Me myself couldn't believe how I actually knew it cme outside the walls. Crazy, right? But I was sure that it came from outside of the walls.

"You're changing your mind, Neera?" Annie asked me all of a sudden, mentioning my name, as I was thinking about the words she said to me earlier so deeply. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Nope," I answered without hesitating.

"Then, good luck tomorrow," she told me, as she stood up and went to her own bed. She lied down and postioned her herself looking away from me. Before she finally got to sleep, she didn't say a word. Then, I deceided to take some sleep as well.

Tomorrow will be the day.

The next day, I woke up early and got ready for processing all sorts of stuffs. And like how I was planning the entire time I was in the Trainees Squad, I joined the Scouting Legion. Along with me were only few of my batch mates, who I wasn't really familiar and close. I thought it would be kinda hard for me, because I rarely speak to anyone except Annie, who was the first person who became closer to me. But I didn't mind about it though. The only thing that kept running in my mind was going outside the walls.


As the graduates of the 104th Trainees Squad stood before the Scouting Legions, they have already decided to join them, go outside the walls, face those giant creatures called Titans once again, and to fight for the extinction of humanity. Some of them looked in fear, while some of them had faith in theirselves.

Neera, who wasn't really thinking about thesame goal as the Scouting Legions, also stood before the Commander of the Survey Corps along with the others. She kept on thinking about the mysterious voice that haunted her, and going outside the walls.

But, is that what she really thinks right now? What if there could be something else?

A little person, who is merely 160cm tall, faced those brave soldiers who have joined the Scouting Legions. And little did he know, there was someone he didn't ever expect for him to see..


I followed the rest of them and they lead us to the headquarters of the Survey Corps. It wasn't that huge, but the building looked castle-like. As we entered, we were interviewed by the commander, namely Erwin Smith, one by one.

I patiently waited for my turn, as I tried to look around the surroundings using only my eyes. And to my surprise, I saw this little man standing few inches away infront of me, making a deep stare at me with his intimidating eyes.

I acted as if I didn't saw him, and changed my focus to something else. Until finally, it was my turn to introduce myself.

I stroke my chest with my right closed fist as I stood straight infront of the tall blonde commander.

"Came from the Trost District, graduate of 104th Trainees Squad ranking top 2, Neera. I joined the Scouting Legion in order to-"

Just when I was about to say my reasons for joining this Military Squad, I paused for a moment. For what did I come to Scouting Legion for? I didn't seriously thought about that. Because all in my mind was to go outside the walls and find out about the mysterious voice with only myself.

"In order to what?" the commander asked me, as he looked at me straight in my eyes. I looked at my left, the others who were with me was looking at me wondering why I paused. When I looked to the right, it was also thesame.

I have no choice now, so I randomly made up a word like the ones everybody have said.

"In order to exterminate the Titans and serve for the mankind, sir!" I said loudly, but in a polite manner. The commander looked at me, and he was satisfied. However, this little person who kept on looking at me, didn't seem to be pleased of what I did.

When we were all done, the commander gave us some explanations and such, then dismissed us. He ordered one of his men to guide us to our respective rooms, so I followed them.

But when I was about to walk away, someone called me.

"You brat with long black hair, come over here," I turned around, and I saw it was this small person who kept on staring at me the entire time. I didn't make any facial expression in response, instead, I obeyed him and went towards him.

"I'll borrow this brat for a moment, Erwin," he told the commander who seems to be wondering about the actions of this short man who called me, as he turned away and dragged me towards somewhere else.

He released me forcefully as he smashed me agaisnt the concrete wall. Ofcourse, it did hurt, but I didn't react. I fell down on the floor, as I shook my head and waited for him to speak up.

"Why are you here?" he asked me in a serious voice. I didn't dare to speak. I just kept still with thesame position, thinking how should I answer him. "You aren't supposed to be here," he told me.

Still, I kept silent, thinking of the right answer and waited for his next actions. And as I did, he caught me on my wrist and made me face him. "Speak, you little brat," he said.

Looking all serious waiting for me to speak up, I got kinda annoyed and ignored his question why I am here and decided to tell him something. "The little one is you," I said in a monotone voice.

"Tsk," he turned away as he released me again, this time, in a gentle way. "Have you forgotten what have I told you?" he questioned.

I didn't move a muscle. I just watched his back standing away from me, until he finally faced me again.

"You promised me, Neera," he said. Mentioning my name, I shook my head and felt all guilty. That's right, I have promised him, yet, I broke it because of my own stupid reasons.

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