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The phone rang, and it was Serenity the ex a  big part of me wanted to answer, so I gave in.

" Hello" My voice said in hesitation, it had been two months since we called it off. " Kay den do you have time to talk about things happening to us. " Kay den I wanted to say, wanted to say i'm so sorry because I suddenly realized how capable we once were" My voice became on mute, my heart is going a thousand miles in hour. How come you broke me-" Serenity asked and I had to think of an answer.  " Remember when  you had sex with Brooke"....  I had walked around my bedroom, feeling the warm brisk air coming from my window that was open. " Brooke was just a one night stand, the day after I regretted that racy decision. "

" Do you mind if we talk, maybe go out to dinner tonight? I need to see you as soon as I  can." She muttered as she breathed the comment.

" Why not sure I could eat. " I said sarcastically.

She laughed  . acting crazy.

" I  knew you'd say that. Because I knew you loved food. "

Kayden Unbroken: Book 2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now