Chapter Two

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As soon as the bell rang for the end of school I was on my feet, forcefully shoving everything back down into the bottom of my bag.

"And where are you going in such a hurry?" Emily raised an eyebrow at me, and I really hoped she hadn't guessed right yet, the truth was embarrassing and pitiful... to the human eye at least. This afternoon I was going to do what I had been meaning to do for a long time... and that meant following Cedric home, doing my best to have any insight into his life that helped me figure things out.

"Home." I muttered, slinging my bag carelessly over my shoulder and bolting through the door where I had just seen Emory and Cedric exit. I had thought about two possibilities while trying to figure out a way to get an insight to his life.

A.) Suddenly act friendly and ask him to help out with my algebra, or B.) just follow him home. Shamefully I decided on the latter, plan B.

As we walked through the school I stayed pretty close behind them, unwilling to lose them within the ever-devouring school crowds. But as soon as we were out of the school grounds I eased my walking, slowing until I was ten or so yards behind them. It annoyed me that this way I couldn't hear them talking, but it was the best I could do. After a while of walking through town I realized how tense I was, so caught up in following them, I forced all of the muscles in my body to relax. Act natural, I reminded myself. I glanced up at the sun for a second and snickered. Vampires not coming out in the sun.... myth. In fact, it all seemed like something Vampire's had come up with themselves, so that if someone discovered them they doubted themselves, remembering that if they were a Vampire, shouldn't they have a weakness to the sun. After a further ten minutes Cedric and Emory rounded yet another street corner.

I pulled out my phone and texted my mum.

'Hey mum, meeting with some friends. Home a bit later.'

I pushed forward my pace to get around the corner and keep up with them.

But as I rounded the corner, I realized they were gone.

I ran down the empty street, my hands shaking with anger, my feet tearing up the ground, my eyes forever searching. How could I be so stupid as to lose them?!

I reached the end of the street and stared around the corner, no sign of them. Turning on my heals I payed close attention to each house I saw on the street, but I believed none of them to be the Milton household, Emory and Cedric never stayed around this part of town.

But then it hit me, if they were aware I had been following them they'd probably lead me on a wild goose chase. I moaned loudly.

"Hey angel, lost something?"

I looked up and suddenly found myself staring right into the dark-as-night eyes of Cedric Milton. His face beaming, and teeth showing. My whole body shuddered with fear.

"Angel?!" I growled angrily at him. But it was anger for myself, that I had been so unguarded, so unaware. No one was meant to be able to catch me by surprise. No one.

"Yeah." Cedric grinned, clearly enjoying himself. "I thought girls would like that. But you always have been a strange one, Zoe."

"Where's Emory?"

"Probably home by now." he shrugged. "You looked as though you needed something."

I watched him carefully, measuring his every reaction. Something didn't seem right, Cedric never usually talked to me. Well everyone in school usually avoided me because they knew I was 'different', but Cedric had never been an exception to that rule.

"C'mon Taylor," he said, referring to my by my last name. "Loosen up, you look as though I'm about to eat you!"

"I haven't ruled that possibility out yet." I muttered under my breath. This made him laugh, really laugh, he leant back his head and exploded with laughter. "it's not funny."

"You're funny, Taylor..." he sobered up a little bit. "But seriously, what are you doing out here, I thought your house was, a-that-a-way" he jerked his thumb in the north direction.

"Right." I nodded weakly.

"And you didn't happen to be stalking me or Emory, right?" he was grinning again. "Otherwise I might just have to take care of that." he winked at me and my breath caught in my throat.

Was he serious? Were him and Emory really aware of me, and wanted to get rid of me... destroy me? My feet fumbled a little, making me stumble back from Cedric.

I'd dealt with many Vampire's in the past couple of years, but I'd never had to deal with them in such close range, usually they were out of towner's, so I could learn their hunting patterns and get them then. I never thought I'd have to worry about my life every second that I was at school.

"Just..." my breath caught in my throat again, I took some breaths to calm myself. Cedric looked utterly confused, possibly a little worried for me. "...Just do me a favour... a-and... leave me alone." I turned as fast as I could, sprinting from the street and headed straight home.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you to do that?" Cedric called after me, bewildered.


I curled up in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I remember hearing the faint pattering of the rain against my roof; but it was not enough to distract me from my thoughts. I had to figure out what Cedric was.

I tried convincing myself that I had to find out for others, and my own safety, but in the back of my mind I knew there was a strange curiosity growing, like an obsession. I just HAD to know.

I fell asleep thinking of him and it soon turned into a dream.

In the dream he was flying, he had huge white feathered wings, and he was clutching me in his arms, we soared over the city skies in the darkness; and I clung to his body for warmth and security.

“Don’t be afraid of me.” Cedric pleaded. I hugged myself tighter to him.

“It’s not you I’m afraid of.” I whispered back. “I’m afraid of myself.”

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