Turn Your Face Away

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Lizzy was running down every hall and in every room, screaming for Mme Giry. When she came in through the doors at around 4:30 that morning, and saw a weeping Elizabeth, she rushed to her side and helped her up.
"Child, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly. "It's him! Please...." Elizabeth said, her body wracking with sobs, and her voice getting caught on tears. "Christine, she, she hurt him. I tried to stitch him, but he needs help!"
Mme Giry nodded, and followed Lizzy as she ran back to the dressing room. She saw Erik lying, looking in pain, and nearly passed out.
She rushed to his side, and clutched his hand tightly with both of hers, and looked to Mme Giry. "Can you help him?" Mme Giry nodded solemnly, and said, "Had he been a few more hours, he'd be dead. I'll do what I can child."
She looked back to Erik, his face contorted in pain, and rested her forehead on his. She started whispering to him, "I'm here. Just sleep, and when you wake you'll be healed. You can't leave me. I love you..." As soon as she said that, his face eased, and the lines went away.
She held his hand tighter, and felt for a pulse. She was relieved to find he was just either sleeping, or passed out. She looked over at Mme Giry, who was taking out his stitches, and pouring rubbing alcohol onto the wound. She heard Erik hiss in pain, which was good because it meant he was okay so far.
   When Mme Giry finished a while later, and had put a strip of gauze and a bandage over it, she thanked her over twenty times. Mme Giry kept saying she was happy to do it, and knew her mother would've done the same for the feared monster of the opera.
   Elizabeth then climbed onto the other side of the bed, and tucked him under the large duvet, making sure he'd be warm enough. She crawled under them as well, and placed a kiss on his lips before drifting off.
When she woke up, Erik had turned over and had been watching her sleep. "Good morning," he said. She smiled, and nuzzled down into the duvet. He kissed her on top of her head, and thanked her. Without looking at him, she asked, "Did you hear any of what I said when Mme Giry was stitching you?"
She could feel his heart speed up, and he laughed quietly. "I heard only two words. They were words I took great comfort in." She frowned to herself, he didn't hear her say she loved him then. "When you said 'I'm here.' I got so happy. I had thought you'd abandoned me. I hadn't any idea you had come back until you grabbed my hand.
"I passed out after that, but I knew you were there." She smiled at him, squeezed his hand, and asked, "Are you alright to walk?" He grimaced and nodded. "I believe." She helped him up, and let him lean on her to walk. She paddled again, and helped him to his bed. She remembered the blood stains, and instead sat him in a chair.
"I'm going to go and shop a little for some new sheets, and clothes for you. I need sizes though." She got his sizes, and left for town.
When she returned the saw the bed was bare except for the mattress, but he had thrown the sheets away. She put the sheets on the bed, and added the pillows and blankets on after.
He told her she should probably check in to get her new part for the upcoming opera, and when she returned the third time that day, she saw it all. She candles seemed to shine brighter, the roses seemed livelier, and it seemed more homely.
And there he was. Her Erik was in the nicest suit she got him, kneeling before her, ring in hand. When she stepped out of the boat, she collapsed in front of him with joy. "Elizabeth, ever since I first met you, I wanted to help you, to teach you, to be there for you. I might've been distant, and at times overly-critical, but that was because I love you.
"I'm not asking you to marry me, only to save yourself for me. I'm merely a man willing to wait for his bride to take him, and I'll wait forever. If you do ever wish to marry me, I'll be waiting humbly at your feet, and will accept without any hesitation; I love you. Do you accept my proposal?"
"Yes you idiot!" She said jumping on him, embracing him in a tight hug. "Lizzy..." he wheezed, "...hurting...me..." she released, and giggled an apology. He placed the large ring on her finger, and hugged her softly, yet firmly. She looked up at him, and smiled.
She leaned forward, and whispered in his ear, "I'm not going to save myself." He drew back, looking shocked. "What?!" "I meant, I won't because I want to marry you, you penguin!" He laughed, and grinned wider than she'd ever seen. His scars covering his right side seemed as though they'd been eased or healed entirely.
She kissed him, at first softly, but then slowly it became more demanding. She pulled away quickly, making him give a barely audible whimper. She snickered, and stood. "Also, may I ask, why am I a penguin?" "Do not question."
She held her hand out for him, and said, "I'm going to pick out a dress. Come or don't, but I'd rather you do. My "aunt" (Marie's mom) owns a dress shop, and said I could come in whenever, she stays late on Thursdays.
He rose with her, and as she was about to take the paddle, he grabbed it away. "Nope! I won't let my bride treat me with such pleasantries I should give her." She smiled, and he started to paddle.
They got about four feet away when he started grunting because it hurt. She smiled and said, "Don't let pride be your downfall. I'm happy to do this for you." He reluctantly handed over the oar, and she finished the trip.
Once they got to Main Square, where Marie's mum worked, she led him to the shop. He was wearing his suit, cape, hat, and mask; and she was wearing a blue Victorian style dress, and a small blue diamond necklace/earring set.

 He was wearing his suit, cape, hat, and mask; and she was wearing a blue Victorian style dress, and a small blue diamond necklace/earring set

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   She entered the shop to find something surprising

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She entered the shop to find something surprising.

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