
"Tonight? Why didn't you pick out the ring before?"

"Well I just had the idea this morning." I admit.

"Oh. What made you want to propose?"

"Well Millie called Selena mom and that made me realize a few things one of them being that life is short." I say.

"Aww that's sweet. So how are you going to do it?" Nina asks.

"I don't know. We had made reservations at her favorite restaurant a week ago, so we're going out to dinner. I thought about maybe the classic ring in the wine glass or in the dessert but I don't really want it to be in a crowded place where Selena might feel the pressure to say yes just to please everyone." I say.

"Selena loves you Harry. She's going to say yes." Nina says.

"Yeah I guess you're right but I also want it to be an intimate moment in silence." I say.

"I get it. So what else do you think could work?" Nina asks.

"I don't know. If we go on the rooftop and I propose to her there but that was the way Daniel proposed to her so.." I say.

"Wait how did you know that's how he proposed to her?" Nina asks.

"I have my ways." I say.

"Creep." Nina jokes and we both chuckle.

"I just got off the phone with Gigi. She told me." I admit.

"Oh that makes sense." Nina says.

"So what way should I propose?" I ask.

"Oh I got the best idea!" Nina says suddenly.


"I had a fun time. Dinner was amazing." Selena smiles.

"I'm glad you had a good time babe." I say.

"You're not too tired are you?" I ask.

"No I'm good. Why?" Selena smiles.

"Lets have a cup of tea on the balcony and dessert?" I suggest.

Selena smiles,"That sounds nice."

"Why don't you go upstairs and I'll quickly get the tea and the ice cream out." I say.

"Okay babe." Selena kisses my cheek and walks upstairs.

I take out two round fancy cups and set some water on the stove. I take out a nice piece of paper and write "Will you marry me?" In nice cursive dark ink. I place the note at the end and put in the tea bag. I take out ice cream in two fancy bowls and place a little candle I bought today in the middle of the tray. I reach into my hand to see that I still have the ring in my pocket. All set.

I walk upstairs into our bedroom and inside the balcony. I place the tray on the table and take a seat beside Selena who was staring at the stars. She looks over and smiles at me.

"Today has been magical." Selena smiles.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it love." I place my hand on top of hers.

"Thanks for the tea. I was really craving one." Selena says and picks up her cup.

"No worries." I smile.

Selena and I stare at the sky in peace an silence sipping our tea. She's almost about to finish it. Here's my shot. I tell Selena I'm going to stand up a little so I set my cup on the table and move to the other side of the balcony closer to Selena.

Selena takes her last sip and as she puts her cup down the note catches her eye and she gasps. I take that as my queue to get down on one knee in front of her. I pull out the box from my hand and open it. Selena moves her head and gasps once again when she sees me kneeled in front of her.

"Selena Marie Gomez, you have changed my life since the minute I first spoke to you on the phone. I was purposely acting like a jerk to you and your sass blew me away and the first time I saw you, I couldn't help but think how beautiful you were. Even when you were fuming at me for spilling coffee on your black and white dress. I never thought I would love again, I never thought I would find someone who loves me for me and not what I have. You get me better than anyone else. I'm not going to lie, I wasn't planning on doing this tonight but after Millie called you mom something blew inside of me and I just couldn't imagine life without you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I want to see you every morning next to me when I wake up and every night when I fall asleep. I want to hold you in my arms for the rest of my life and I want you to be the mother of my future children. This is sudden I know, but life is short and I just want you to be mine forever. No way in hell am I ever losing you again. What do you say? Selena Marie Gomez will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I ask.

Selena's eyes are all watery and she nods her head frantically,"Yes! Yes. Ofcourse I'll marry you!"

I smile and put the ring on her finger. I get up and cup Selena's face in my hands and plant a huge kiss on her lips. We pull away with our foreheads against each other. We look into each others eyes and smile.

"I love you." Selena says.

"And I love you." I say,"Do you like the ring?" I ask.

"It's gorgeous" Selena says still looking at me.

I chuckle,"You didn't even see it!"

"I don't care what it looks like as long as it's given by you." Selena smiles.

"I apologize for this not being one of those grand gestures for a proposal. What can I say, your ex boyfriend one upped me." I joke.

"But you one upped my heart and as long as I have you, I don't need anything else." Selena smiles.

"That's all I needed to hear." I smile and pull her closer to my chest. Today is an amazing day, I couldn't possibly be more happier. I love this beautiful girl in front of me.

The Billionaire // H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now