Chapter 5- Surprises and Unpleasantness

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"Miss Inglewood! A moment please," a voice called out just as Penny exited the church. She paused and turned, seeing Victor Barstow, the vicar's son hurrying towards her, an earnest look on his young face. Beside her, she heard Lucy let out a groan.

"Oh for heaven's sakes," Lucy muttered crossly, glaring at the approaching man, "Does he not have anything better to do?"

"Hush now Lucy," Penny admonished, even though she shared her sister's sentiments. She beamed at Victor, "Hello Mr. Barstow, you wish to have a word?"

The shy young man turned red at her bright smile, clearing his throat nervously as he tried to remember what he'd been about to say. Beside her, she heard Lucy snort in barely suppressed laughter and Penny frowned at her.

"L-lovely service today, y-you sing marvelously well Miss Inglewood," Victor cleared his throat again and fiddled with his necktie, looking even redder if possible, Penny felt a smidgeon of pity for the man. "Y-your rendition of the hymn was p-particulary extraordinary. I-I have n-never heard it s-sung with such passion."

She smiled and inclined her head graciously, even while Lucy struggled to contain her mirth. "Thank you Mr. Barstow, that is quite a lovely compliment, I am glad it pleased you."

He seemed to gather courage at her words and finally looked up to meet her gaze, a lock of his blond hair falling over his face, giving him a youthful look, even though Penny knew he must be about twenty nine. "Oh yes indeed quite moving, quite moving. I felt like I was being touched by the very hand of God."

"Oh lord!" Lucy muttered.

Oh lord indeed. Penny agreed, though she nodded in agreement at Mr. Barstow's words, "You flatter me too much Mr. Barstow. I am not good by any standard."

He adjusted his coat and beamed confidently at her, his shyness now a thing of the past, "Are you by any chance walking home? May I escort you lovely ladies?"

"NO!" Lucy practically shrieked in horror.

"Yes, we would be delighted." Penny cut in, shooting a disapproving glare at Lucy, who simply glared back defiantly, annoyed at having to put up with Victor a moment longer than necessary.

"Splendid," Victor rubbed his hands together in delight, "Simply marvelous."

They set off, with Lucy muttering crossly, then thankfully wandering off to join a group of young ladies also walking in their direction, leaving Penny alone with Victor.

They walked in silence for a while, Penny wondering why Victor had offered to accompany her if he was going to keep silent for the entire journey. He had never offered to escort her home before, and hardly ever spoke except to compliment her singing every Sunday. She stole a side glance at him, noting the way his rather ill-fitting clothes hung on his reed thin frame and his awkward gait. Yet despite all these, the younger Mr. Barstow was considered quite the catch amongst the young ladies of Millcote.

Victor cleared his throat. "What did you think of the service Miss Inglewood?"

"Oh it was simply wonderful. The sermon was quite touching indeed, your father delivers them very well."

He nodded in approval, hands clasped behind his back and an earnest look on his face. "Yes indeed. I wrote that sermon for him, so I dare say it is extremely good."

Penny stifled a laugh, picturing Lucy rolling her eyes at his implied arrogance. "Then you must allow me to commend you on a brilliant sermon. Your father must be proud."

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