Chapter 5- Surprises and Unpleasantness

Start from the beginning

"PENNY! I declare I will expire of curiosity by the time we get home if you do not tell me. Did he propose? Mary says he did but I refuse to believe it. I do not like him so you cannot marry him."

Penny groaned. Damn the man for choosing such a public manner to declare his intentions. "Lucy, it matters not if you do not like him, but I have not made my decision."

"So he did propose. Damnation, surely you are not considering accepting his proposal?"

"Lucille Inglewood! How many times must I tell you that you should not use such foul language?"

Lucy snorted, not in the least bit intimidated by her admonishments. "Bah! Eddie swears all the time, and you allow it. Why must it be different with me?"

Penny sighed and rubbed at her temple, feeling another one of her constant headaches coming on. "Do I need to tell you again? Besides, if Edward swears, he certainly does not do so in my presence or I will not hesitate to wash his mouth out with carbolic."

Lucy laughed, the sound piercing the still morning air. She slipped her arm through Penny's and the two turned into the lane that led to the house. "Fine. But please say you will not accept Mr. Barstow's offer?"

"Oh Lucy, surely you know I must be married someday."

"Oh I know. But I do not like Victor. In my opinion, the man is proud and insufferably boring. I do not understand why Kate and Mary are in raptures over him. He is certainly not interesting, not like Lord Hensley or even Newbridge...speaking of the duke..."

Penny felt some alarm, she did not wish to talk about the duke. It was bad enough having him in her thoughts, a constant annoying distraction that she'd much rather do without. "Lord Hensley intends to call on you today. What are you going to wear?" she cut in hastily, hoping Lucy would forget about the devilish duke.

The Duke of Newbridge was instantly forgotten as Lucy launched into a description of her wardrobe. Penny sighed in relief, grateful that her distraction had worked. She listened intently as they entered the house. The sight in the living room made her gasp.

 Jane and Edward broke apart hurriedly, a guilty flush staining both their cheeks as they stared at the two shocked women. Then Edward hastily got to his feet. "Penelope! I had no idea the service ended so soon"

Penny gasped in shock, taking in the sight before her eyes, dread filling every inch of her, goosebumps rising on her skin. "Edward! What do you think you are doing? Have you lost your mind?" she shrieked at him angrily. "He will kill you if he discovers you."

Miss Rosebury arose hastily, her face white with fear. "Please, you must not tell him. Philip will kill us all."

Edward's jaw set stubbornly, "I will fight him if need be, I am not afraid of him, duke or no," he declared defiantly, fists clenched by his side, "I will willingly die for the woman I love."

Penny stared at him in astonishment. Was he mad? Fight the duke? There would be no fight, the man would simply have him killed and thrown him in a ditch to rot. She remembered the rumor that had been whispered in every drawing room of how a business rival of Lord Philip had been mysteriously murdered. It had been suspected the duke had ordered the killing but no proof or open accusation had ever been made. She felt cold dread sweep over her again.

"You are risking our lives for the sake of foolishness. The Duke is powerful and no one will question his actions, and he will certainly be justified in defending his honor. I beg you to leave off this idiocy, it will lead us nowhere but harm." She turned pleading eyes to Miss Rosebury. "Stop this folly, I beg you. You know the kind of man your betrothed is, think of the scandal and destruction this will bring upon us all. If you truly love Eddie, you will set him free and spare his life."

Jane burst into sobs, sinking back down on the couch in despair. "She is right Edward, this is madness."

Edward glared at his sister, then stooped to gently take Jane's hands in his, lifting them to his mouth. "Hush my love, we must not let this come between us. I am not afraid of Newbridge, and I will be honoured to fight for your hand, regardless of the outcome"

She gazed at him, a wild look in her tear filled eyes. "You do not understand, he will ruin Papa as well if I do not marry him. Phillip will have him thrown in debtors prison and Papa will not be able to survive such horrible conditions. No, your sister speaks the truth, we must end this at once, Edward. I will not be responsible for your demise, or Papa's."

Penny let out a sigh of relief, thankful that Jane had come to her senses. "Thank you, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear those words."

"NO!" Edward exploded, startling the women. He rose to his full height, his handsome face contorting fiercely. "I will not allow him to take you away from me. He does not love you Jane, and he will make you miserable if you succumb to him. You are mine!"

Beside her Lucy gasped in shock, mirroring Penny's horrified expression. "Eddie! You mustn't do this.

She moved to grasp his arm, but he shook her off angrily. "Do not tell me what I must not do. I am not an imbecile."

Lucy stumbled back, hurt by his vehement rejection, tears spilling down her cheeks. Penny felt a wave of fury and stepped up to him, delivering a stinging slap to his cheeks. His head turned from the force of her blow and his jaw clenched once more, working furiously to control his anger.

"You fool," Penny spat at him. "You are an imbecile if you think you can drag this family into danger. Do the right thing and find someone else to love, that is wisdom."

He looked down at her coldly, "You know nothing of who I am," he growled menacingly, but Penny refused to back down. Not until he came back to his senses would she let him be.

"Then prove that you are a good and honorable man by doing the right thing," she countered, crossing her arms over her bosom stubbornly.

Miss Rosebury touched his arm pleadingly, "Please Edward, do not fight with your family for my sake. They only seek your safety as do I."

Her words seemed to calm him. He sighed and reached for her hand once more. "Come, I will see you home safely. We will resolve this matter on the way home."

"You cannot be seen with her, Edward!" Penny protested.

"We will not take the main roads, there is a path through the woods," he replied coolly, leading Jane outside.

Penny opened her mouth to protest, but he shut the door firmly. She sighed and sank down on the couch. "What am I to do, Lucy?" she moaned, "I do not believe he knows just how much danger he is getting himself into and Miss Rosebury is no help. She says they should cease their relationship, but it is quite clear she does not want it to end."

Lucy sat down beside her sister and leaned against her shoulder. "I have never seen him act so violent."

"Indeed. It was most frightening, but do not worry, he will come to his senses soon enough. Will you make some tea? I am gasping for a cup."

Lucy nodded and went into the kitchen, leaving Penny to her thoughts. Something must be done to prevent disaster, she mused silently. But what? Papa will not be here till a fortnight and things are getting out of hand. She needed help, and she needed it quickly.

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