Chapter 5- Surprises and Unpleasantness

Start from the beginning

"I imagine so. May I ask a rather personal question, Miss Inglewood?" He paused in his walk, detaining her with a light touch on her arm. His nervous look returned, and Penny wondered what on earth he had to ask.

"Of course," she replied, looking up at him in puzzlement.

He reddened and tugged nervously at his necktie. "P-please you must not t-think me forward, I have been mulling over the matter for a while...and I-I have put it off for too long but..." He broke off and looked at her helplessly, seemingly pleading with her to understand his unspoken request.

Penny's heart sank. Oh no, surely he did not mean to offer for Lucy's hand? That would be most awkward indeed considering that Lucy had no interest in him whatsoever, but had been chattering non-stop about the earl's intended visit and she had constantly professed an acute dislike for Victor so to have him offer to court her would not turn out well. She felt distinctly uncomfortable as she pondered how to let him down gently, but nodded at him to continue speaking.

"I-I would like y-your permission to call on you, Miss Inglewood. I know it is rather sudden, but I assure you, my intentions are honorable and I would be honored if you will accept my request."

Penny was astonished. She stopped and stared at him in stupefaction. Of all the things she had expected, this was most certainly not one of them. "Mr. Barstow! Surely you are joking?"

He appeared offended by her words and frowned down at her. "I beg your pardon, I assure you I am not jesting in any form. I wish to court you, with your consent of course. As you know, I shall soon be assuming a new position at Illingshire, and it would be splendid if you will go with me, as my wife."

"Mr. Barstow...I confess I am most overwhelmed by this. It is rather sudden--"

"Oh I am quite willing to give you time to think on the matter, perhaps pray about it before you make your decision. After all, it is not every day one receives a proposal." He took her hands in his, gazing deep into her eyes, and Penny blushed as she imagined how it must look like to passersby. She glanced around quickly and sure enough, she could see a few groups of women huddled together tittering excitedly and looking in their direction. Then her eyes fell on Lucy and she stifled a groan at the look of utter horror and dismay on her face. Good lord! The news would be all over Millcote by dinner, of that she was certain.

She turned her gaze back to Victor's with a pleading look. "Please Mr. Barstow, we are attracting quite a lot of attention, can we not discuss this matter in a more private setting?"

He looked contrite and immediately dropped her hand and sprung back a step. "My apologies, I got carried away. With your permission, I will like to call on you later, we can talk in private then?"

She nodded, conflicting emotions running through her mind. He bowed and turned to return back to the vicarage, leaving her staring after him in confusion. She had always known she would have to marry someday, but she had never given more than fleeting thought to the means or the man to whom she would bind her life to. Penny had always pictured herself in a comfortable cottage somewhere with a nice quiet man, but till now, that man had never had a face. She shut her eyes briefly and an image of the scowling duke filled her vision, just as it ever since that night in her living room. She shook her head to clear the image and frowned. The man was obnoxious and arrogant, so why did he dominate her thoughts so?

Lucy hurried up to rejoin her and grabbed her arm. "What on earth happened with Mr. Barstow?" she demanded, "why was he holding your hand like if he...heaven forbid...has developed an affection for you? I almost fainted at the horror of the thought. Please tell me it is not so!"

Oh dear lord! Spare me this torture. Penny thought, even as she grabbed Lucy's arm and tugged her to begin walking. She had a pressing need for a good cup of tea to calm her nerves and clear her head of a riot of thoughts. "I will answer your questions later. Come let us be off, Edward must be starving by now and so am I."

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