Chapter 3

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Summer's POV

I couldn't see my hands under the latex covers right now but I can tell they're bruised. I might've even broken or fractured a knuckle or two.

After Angela left, I had completely lost it. My anger took over all my other emotions and I took it out on the metal walls. I don't remember how long I went on banging on the walls and screaming but I know I passed out from it because I woke up on the floor with numb hands and a dry and sore throat. I've almost lost my voice. But I don't even care.

I don't know what to feel anymore. I don't know what to think anymore. I wish I was just left back in the house with the memories of my Max before that fateful night. I'm fine with that night haunting me for the rest of my life. It's better than knowing he abandoned me, better than knowing he's a traitor.

I couldn't even cry anymore, my tears were all dried up. I just felt hollow. Darkness swept over me once again.


"Summer?" I could hear a faint voice calling out to me.

"Hey? Wake up." I could feel fingers stroking my fake.


I fluttered my eyes open and saw a face hovering over me. It wasn't Angela.. What's going on?

"Thank god, you're let me help you up," the person gently lifted me up to a sitting position and helped me lean myself against the wall.

I would say thank you but gratitude was the last thing on my mind right now. I just wanted to cry myself to death.

"Do you remember me?" He asked slept and quietly, as if he was scared of my reaction or something.

Do I remember him? I scanned his face. It was the first time since he's been here, that I properly looked at him.

He has dark green eyes, with dark hair. His eyes were watching me cautiously.

I sighed, "Why are you so close to me if you're scared of me?"

His eyes widened for a millisecond, but then he just scoots closer to me.

"I am not scared of you. Sorry, I was just trying to read you, predict your next move, answer..." He didn't look scared anymore. He held my gaze confidently.

I looked away, "I don't... I don't remember you."

I looked up at him just in time to see the flash of hurt in his eyes, which he quickly covered up.

I felt bad now, "I'm sorry...I just..." I didn't know what to say.

He slowly took both my hands in his hands, "It's okay. I'll help. 8 years ago, you saved a little 13 year old from being bullied by 3 other boys. You said some things to them that made them never bully the boy again and you said some things to the boy that turned the boy's life upside down. He was still the same shy boy but then when you left, it hit him hard...and that's when he became who he is today."

He must be the little boy he's talking about...but 8 years ago? That's such a long time ago.

"You didn't know my name, but that day, you promised never to forget my name." He looked down at our entangled hands now and whispered, "Please remember my name.."


His eyes snapped up and the biggest smile started forming, " remember?"

"It's hard not to when you force all that information down my brain." I gave him a wry smile, "What are you doing here? Did your mom put you up to this? Look, I just want to be left alone. Please."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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