Chapter 2 : Breakfast Mishaps

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A/N : With my friend being the PRIC-niceperson he is, forcing me to write another chapter at 2 in the morning. Fun. Can't tell how this is going to go... Welp, let's just get this one get with so I can sleep... And yes, the title exists.

Morning already?... Huh, guess I got some good sleep then. Well, I wonder is Brad is up right now. I'd rather not check his room, since that would be awkward... Nah, I'm just going to get some food. I wonder what Brad has in th- a note?


    Went out to go get some food for breakfast, didn't want to mess with you and wake you up because you would probably get angry at me, which I'd rather you not, so I'll be back soon enough.


Well that, uh, doesn't help very much right now. Wonder if he has any coffee in a cabinet...

-POV Switch to 3rd Person-

Shen was sitting in Brad's kitchen, sorting through pots and pans, bins and boxes, and he found some box that looked strange, and being the curious person she is, she opened it. As she did so, Brad walked in and saw what Shen was doing, in which Shen didn't know what she was doing. "Shenpai, what exactly are you looking for?" Brad asked. "I'm looking for you, Bradi-Chan" Shen said in her hentai voice. "Ugh, why Shen. Coffees in the cabinet to the left, by the way." Brad pointed out. She nodded her head and went to reach it. Although Shen was shorter than Brad, she couldn't reach it, so she climbed on a counter to reach it, and Brad was standing behind to make sure she didn't fall. Nothing could go wrong here, right?

"AAH" Shen screeched out as she lost her balance and fell on top of Brad, and the two landed in a position that doesn't need explaining, you probably know what it is you filthy sinner :^), but the two just sat there looking at each other and blushing madly, until Brad had a coughing fit in the middle of him saying 'Need to put the stuff I the fridge, it's getting thawed.' Which caused Shen to break up in laughter, Brad getting frustrated the whole time. 

Little did they know a Reinhardt main was watching through the window the whole time...

-Short Time Skip-

*doorbell rings* "I got it!" Brad called out. He ran to the door and opened it, seeing Tyrodin standing before him. "Hello, my friend, it is I, R-" "Ok we get it." Said Brad, cutting off Tyrodin's sentence. Shen obviously must not have overheard, seeing as she  was still in her extra room. "Let's cut to the chase, what do you want, Tyrodin?" Brad asked, enforcingly. "Well, all of us were planning on going on a little hiking/camping trip up on the mountain, and we wanted to see if you guys wanted to come as well!" Tyrodin said a bit louder, trying to get Shenpai to come out of her room. "Well, I'll ask her then." Brad answered, closing the door on Tyrodin. A few seconds later, Brad walked upstairs to see what Shen was doing, and she looked as if she was streaming, but didn't have face cam on. And Brad didn't think that the viewers knew she was in Australia yet, so he ended up messaging back and forth with her.

-POV Switch to Shen-

I heard a small dinging noise, and figured it was my phone. Should've turned it on vibrate. But I realized the text was from Brad so I went ahead and read it, and ended up abandoning the stream, everyone being confused as ever. I walked out to talk to Brad and found him on the couch, looking at fan art. If only Geronimo was here right now... "Hi there, Bradi-Chan~" I said, using the hentai voice once again, but more sexual this time, and I can even see Brad getting annoyed. Long story short, we agreed to join them on their little, 'Camping PowWow' out there, since I figured it would be nice to see these people in real life.

(Making this one shorter than the last so I can go get sleep now, thanks to my friend for making me even more of an insomniac now.)

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