"I'm checking the gunpowder in these rounds so that if the Grounders try to kill us all maybe we can get a few shots off beforehand," She said, turning back to the bullets.

"Hmm. That's intense. Sure you know what you're doing?" Jasper smirked.

"Why does everyone keep asking me-" Flick was cut off by a round exploding. "Oh, whoa! Damn!"

Jasper grinned. "You need now that, you know, you almost blew one off?"

"I got this," Flick snaped.

"Hey. No one's a better mechanic, all right, but this stuff requires a chemist. How'd you do in chemistry class? Hmm. Ahh. Well, the fates are smiling upon you, my friend. I was great in chemistry. Hmm," Jasper smelled gunpowder from a bullet. "Oh! Nope," he coughed. "Oh, it's gassed off. Pretty sure the acidic smell means that the gunpowder's degraded."

"Better start a dud pile."

"You know, when my parents get here, they can mix us up some new gunpowder. My dad's gonna flip for this scrap metal. 'My kingdom for a soda can.' Heh. That's what he always used to say. How about you? Got any family?" Jasper asked.

"Nope. Just Charlotte." Just saying her name brought tears to Flick's eyes.

"Well, we all got each other now, right?" Jasper smiled softly.

Bellamy walked into the tent, "Jasper, you're coming with me."

"I am?" Jasper looked as confused as Flick felt.

"You handled yourself well in the cave with the Grounder," Bellamy stated.

"I mean, I hit him in the head," Jasper shrugged.

"If you're planning on shooting anything, you better think twice. I haven't checked those yet," Flick interrupted, motioning to a pile of bullets.

"Give me some bullets that work," Bellamy snapped. Flick rolled her eyes.

"What do you need them for?" She asked, moving to grab some clips.

"Finn's being an idiot," Bellamy sayid.

"I'm coming with you." Flick crossed her arms.

And of course, Bellamy ignored her. "We should get Clarke."

"Clarke's with Finn, isn't she?" Flick pressed.

Bellamy nodded and she rolled her eyes. He's going to get her killed.

"You know, if you keep rolling your eyes every time I speak, they might fall out."

They each grabbed a gun and some clips and left the tent. Clarke and Finn left a few minutes earlier, and Bellamy told them that they're following a trail of the Jobi nuts. They walk in silence for a while before Jasper turned to Flick.

"Sorry for bringing up Charlotte earlier," Jasper murmured.

"That was awkward," Flick said, looking down at the trail.

Jasper smiled slightly. "Shut up."

"Both of you shut up. Keep your eyes open," Bellamy snapped quietly.

Flick rolled her eyes. After a few minutes Clarke and Finn met Octavia on a bridge while they hid in the bushes.

"Someone's coming," Bellamy whispered.

"Horses," Flick whispered. Bellamy and Jasper looked to where she was facing.

A woman walked up to Clarke and they spoke for a moment.

"Grounder Princess looks pissed," Flick said softly.

"Our princess has that effect," Bellamy whispered to her.

Flick looked through the scope of her gun, spotting grounders in the trees. Damn it. It was a trap.

"Oh, no. No. This is bad," she whispered.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.

"There's Grounders in the trees," Flick commented.

"What? Where? Are you sure? I don't see anything," Jasper said. Finally he saw them.

"They're gonna shoot! Clarke, run! Run!" Jasper ran out of the trees and started shooting at the grounders.

"Clarke, get down! Finn, get back! Go, go!" Bellamy shouted, shooting the grounder princess's shoulder.

Flick got a few shots in before Bellamy pulled her back into the trees. They sprinted through the trees back to camp.

"You got anything to say?" Bellamy asked Finn who had a sour expression.

Everyone was angry and this didn't help. Tensions were high, and of course an argument broke out.

"I told you no guns!" Finn yelled at them.

Clarke quickly turned on Finn. "And I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right," Clarke snapped.

"Why didn't you guys tell me what you were up to?" Flick snapped.

"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun," Finn pushed her back.

Bellamy stood in front of Flick to block her from Finn. "You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn."

"You don't know that!" Finn insisted.

"Jasper fired the first shot! You ruined everything," Octavia groaned before stomping off to her tent.

"I saved you! You're welcome," Jasper sighed before running to catch up with her.

"Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now," Finn snapped. "You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me."

Finn walked away, obviously annoyed.

"Like I said, best Unity Day ever," Bellamy said sarcastically.

An explosion sounded through the air. The Exodus ship.

"The Exodus ship? Your mom's early," Flick said, staring at the ship.

"Wait. Too fast. No parachute? Something's wrong," Clarke worried.

She was proved right when the Exodus ship smashed into the ground. It exploded into smoke and flames. Clarke sunk to her knees, and Flick quickly pulled her into a hug. Abby was on the Exodus ship.

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published date: 3-31-2021
edited date: 11-22-2021

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