Chapter 1

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Faint light was shinning through the leaves of The forest of Magic, as the young blonde magician dressed in black and white was searching something through the lush bushes.
~ The Monochromatic Witch of Colorful Spells - Marisa Kirisame
- I heard it, clear as day. That Devil's Maid said something about strange blue mushrooms in the forest – she mumbled to herself. -They supposed to had found it on they way to the shrine.
- Looking for something, I presume?
- Huh?! - The witch turned rapidly and saw... Another witch.
Her hair was blond too but the colour of their eyes were not a match. The comer's clothes were in blues and reds as opposed to Marisa's black clothes and white apron.
- Well hello there, Marisa.
~ The Rainbow Puppetter of Endless Strings – Alice Margatroid
- Are you, perhaps, looking for these?
One of Alice's countless dolls flew out from the bushes. In her small hands it was carrying an equally small shroom with light blue cap.
- Don't you even consider stealing it.
- I wasn't even thinking about it ze!
- You have word "thief" written all over you. Anyway, do you even know where these strange mushrooms have been coming from? They appeared so suddenly and sprouted in the Forest of Magic out of nowhere.
- Maybe they are outside world's shrooms?
- Mushroom that crossed the barrier? Ridiculous. Are you implying that the people of the outside just simply forgot about this one spiecies of a shroom? And this specific one?
- It is possible. Who knows how the outside works?
- Well... You may be right to some extent but I'm going to be the judge of that. Find your own shroom for your stew. I need this one for my research purposes.
- Research puerposes you say? Mind if I help ya?
- Now you want to steal my research?
- No. Or maybe I am? Who cares about that.
- Well, me. I will find the truth about these strange shrooms.
- I don't care about that. Only thing I do care about is me holding onto that shroom. Prepare yourself.
- Are you suggesting we ought to have a danmaku fight over one shroom? Grow up and find your own fungus.
-Ow no, no, no. It's just that... You seem to be awfully suspicious today. Why of all the youkai and people out there - you want to research that shroom?
- I'm just curious. I've always been interested in doing research on my own. I'm still a witch.
- You're also a youkai. And Youkai would never, ever pass on a challenge in danmaku, right?
- Well... It might be fun and I thought of new spell cards and I think I need a test subject.
- Smells just like another incident. You're just givin' me reasons to exterminate ya' daze.
- Just what are you implying? I am not planning an incident nor participating in any sort of strange activities. Are you really that desperate of a thief? Or do you want to burst into danmaku and spells so badly?
- Me? You were the one who wanted to test new spells.
- And you started it all. But, well, if you insist...
-Now we're talkin'! Prepare yourself da ze!
- Challenge accepted!
          Small creatures in blue and red outfits were flying around between the fancy furniture. Amongst them one, different in both size and race, was supervising it all.
~ The Picture of Perfection as a Maid and as a Knife Handler – Sakuya Izayoi
- Try not to get your aprons dirty. We already have a lot of white laundry for today –said the chief maid while ordering the others around.
Today the fairy maids were awfully busy but of course, the chief herself is obliged to do most of the chores. The human looking one with silver hair and long braids on both sides of her face, dressed in elegant, blue skirt and white apron with a maid headband went downstairs. She yet had to prepare the whole meal for tonight. There, she spotted someone unfamiliar in the kitchen. A much shorter yet more significant individual. The maid bowed to the one dressed in the elegant dress with huge a red bow on the back. Victorian cap matched the slighty red dress, her battish wings where folded behind her.
~ The Bloodthirsty Mistress of Fate – Remilia Scarlet
- My lady...
- Now, now Sakuya. I only came here for one and only reason.
- Yes, my lady?
- Is the tea ready?
-Yes, my lady.
As Sakuya stared to pour the tea, Remilia have spoken again.
- Is it red tea?
- Yes of course, my lady. I brewed it especially for the mistress.
- Then what about the blue tea?
- The blue tea?
- The one you send that black and white witch for? Or should I say she is rather a librarian's nightmare, a true, pesky rat?
- It appears that my lady knows.
- I think you should be punished.
- I shall accept my punishment an dobey every order of my mistress, my lady.
- Well then... Do you mind telling me why you had stopped time and sent that witch for that shroom?
- She is a dweller of the forest and with a huge intrest in shrooms, it seems. So I thought it would be better if she tested that particular fungus for herself. It would be most terrible if something bad would have happened to someone at the mansion. Except maybe the gatekeeper. She was sleeping on her duty again, my lady.
- Well, well, well... What is so interesting about that shroom? Hmm... Very well. I want you to keep looking into it, now on my behalf. My sister told me she saw that strange fungus in the basement again. I don't want her to be playing around with something potentially harmful. And we don't even know what that shroom is. As for Meiling... Do not worry yourself about her. She has an official break now. We have a party tonight, right Sakuya? I will welcome anyone here with open arms... Especially the black and white witch and maybe the purple hag. Now, Sakuya, go back to your chores! I will have a talk with you about your punishment later.
- Of course, my lady. As you wish, mistress.

1)The story takes place after the Chapter 43 of Touhou Suzunaan - Forbidden Scrollerery "One Hundred Ghost Stories for Humans and Youkai" 

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