The beginning

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    I open my eyes to see the light blinding me god I hate this orphanage. The reason I bully everyone is because I'm gay and no one knows so I make everyone else feel sad.
    One day while I was in the orphanage I see an old man with a gorgeous white/gray beard I immediately fall in love, but I'm 11 and he's much much older than that it will never work. He comes up to me my heart froze. He starts talking about being able to do things that were magical and I must admit it had been happening a lot lately. I was lost in his dreamy eyes I didn't even realize when he told me I was a wizard.
    Once I finally processed what he said it all made sense I was powerful more powerful then all of the losers at the orphanage.
    I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes I couldn't help myself I kissed him it was the best moment of my life when I finally broke the kiss he looked at me with fear and left. I was terrified of what I had just done he would never like me now I just kissed him at the age of 11.
    It had been years since that had happen I was now much older I had become power hungry. I didn't want to but it started with me trying to impress Dumbledore and got so much deeper. I don't exactly how it all happened but all of the sudden I was in a child's bedroom killing a parent and then trying to kill the child, Harry.
    After that I had to be on the run and it meant I could never see Dumbledore again it brought tears to my eyes there had to be a way to see him. Never once out of all those years at Hogwarts did Dumbledore bring up the kiss I was relieved and yet sad I didn't want to loose him. Why was my life crumbling into pieces?

Photo credit goes to LucinioSchwartz

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