POV ends.

After some time they reach rags home...san drops her and goes.

Rags knocks the door and lak opens it.

Lak-Hi rags

Rags-hi laksh

She goes inside to change and after sometime she comes in her casual clothes

Lak-U must be tired...I'll bring coffee for u

Rags-No laksh its ok..

Lak-U just sit here and he makes her sit..

Rags smiles and says..-Laksh did swara come yesterday??

Lak-Yes Ragini...she came to take her presentation.... (he didn't tell about swara knowing her past)

He brings coffee for both of them and they drink and after some time they go to sleep.

Scene shifts to san

Swa comes to him

Swa-Hey sanky...how was ur trip

San-It was ok but we didn't have meeting so..

Swa-Oh yaa rags called me and told..

San-are u ok now..

Swa-Yes..iam fine....how is Ragini.

San-You can call her and ask yourself....and swara I want to rest so plss.

Swa-Ok byee..

Swa leaves..

Swa(Thinks)-What's wrong with him all of a sudden...I think something happened in Delhi... But he won't tell me..ok let me call rags....she calls her but lak picks it


Swa-Hi laksh actually I wanted to talk to rags is she there...

Lak-Actually she is sleeping so I took the call...

Swa-Ok then I'll call later

Lak-Swara what happened...u can tell me I'll tell her I it's important..

Swa-No laksh actually I wanted to know that did something happen in Delhi because sanky is behaving weird since he came back..that's why

Lak-Ok don't worry I'll ask her and let u know..

Swa-Ok thanx bye.


They cut the call.

Lak(thinks)-I know what happened I think she met Aditya that's why but sanskar what's wrong with him...ok I'll ask her tommorow......he goes to sleep

Next Morning

Rags is getting ready for office and lak comes to her.

Lak-Hey rags I wanted to ask u something


Lak-Did something else happened in Delhi..

Rags-No why..

Lak-No just like that....does khadoos knows about Aditya???

Rags is confused what to say

Rags-Laksh leave this topic I don't want to talk about it pls..

Lak-ok rags as u wish...he leaves..

Scene shifts to mm

San is sitting and Kavya comes to him..

Kav-Hey sanky how was ur trip with that behenji..

San(gets angry)-First thing u r not allowed to come inside without my permission and secondly don't call her behenji...he leaves from there angrily

Kav-What the hell....what does she think of herself I will show her what Kavya is...Ragini be ready to bear ur humiliation.... She laughs sarcastically...

The episode ends

Thank u everyone for voting and commenting and thanks to silent readers as well...

NOTE:I'll update the next episode on next weekend...Hope this was not boring.


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