Chapter Five

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Hearing muffled voices from the room above and having nothing to do, (Y/N) ever so nosily eavesdrops on the conversation. She is shocked at what she had heard, although she didn't know if they were talking about her or not. Soon, Hiro comes down the stairs and stands there, racking his brain for something that seemed to be flooding his mind. It only took a few seconds for (Y/N) to notice that he was no longer thinking, as he was looking up at her wth a smirk across his face. He drags her outside (in a good way), with something clearly on his mind. After rushing thorough crowds of random people and running through the streets... what are the odds that Hiro took her to none other than a bot-fight?


"H-Hiro, I-I don't think this is safe," You trembled, chills running through your body as you heard the cheers of the crowd. You looked over at him, who was already giving you a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). We'll be alright. Besides, everyone's too caught up in their own fight, they won't even notice us!" Hiro assured, still keeping the same heart melting smirk. All you could do was nod slightly before taking in a deep breath and stretching it out, making it last longer than normal breaths.

You stood there blinking for a moment, trying to comprehend what was happening. You saw a lady with an eye patch walk past you, carrying a tray filled with wadded money. She walked over to a large man, who was holding his arm up in victory. He chuckled loudly before snatching the money off from the large plate and showing it off in front of his opponent's face, a smug grin present.

You were slightly confused, as you couldn't quite understand what had happened. You had never participated in a bot-fight before, therefore you didn't know the rules. "Hey, Hiro?" You asked, leaning in his direction, keeping your eyes focused on the happenings in front of you. "What exactly is going on?"

You looked over when you didn't hear a response. That's when you noticed it. He wasn't there.

But his stuff was, indicating that he was still in the area. You looked around frantically, join the verge of calling his name. However, you managed to see a kid who looked to be around 14 years of age with dark, messy, and raven hair. He was holding a robot in his hands as he stepped up onto the ring. But that one kid... seemed quite familiar. Like you knew him. (In this case you did XD sorry for making this obvious...) And his name... was Hiro. Hiro Hamada.

You stood there in utter disbelief, holding your hand to your head and running it through your hair in a stressful way. You clenched your teeth as you saw him pull out a huge was of mone and stick it on the tray. His opponent, the same big man, did the same thing, only t looked like a larger amount than his last bet. You watched silently in the dark alley, waiting for him to end whatever he was bout to start... but that didn't happen.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite little wimp," The large man said, giving Hiro a deadly glare. Hiro gave him the same look, looking a bit more competitive. "Good luck, kid. You're really gonna need it."

"In your pathetic dreams, Yama," Hiro snickered, not intimidated or offended at all by what he had been told. "If I valued your opinion, I would be offended."

Yama gave Hiro a death glare as the fight began.

"Two bots enter, one bot leaves," the woman announced for the third time since your presence.

"Mega-Bot... Destroy," Hiro commanded. And with that, the "cute" robot had turned into what looked like a menacing machine, knives and weapons held at every angle. You winced as you saw Hiro's robot tear through its enemy.

After about fifteen minutes, a bell rang abruptly and declared the battle as over. Everyone cheered as Hiro reached up to grab bboth helpngs of money from the plater and shoving them into his pockets. You saw him smiling as he stood up and dusted himself off, grabbing his robot and walking away.

It was then that someone grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back.
His eyes opened wide in shock as his clothes were being the host of the pull, nearly choking him as they were pulled back vigorously.
Yama pinned Hiro to the wall and stared at him, his eyes as dead as the Grim Reaper himself. By now, Hiro looked as if he were trembling, like he didn't know what to do. You knew you had to do something, and your first instinct kicked into overdrive immediately. You ran up to his location in the corner and pushed yourself in between the two, holding your arms out defensively as you were trying to protect your friend.

"Well, who is this!? Guys, just get rid of her," Yama ordered, gesturing at your weak attempt to protect Hiro. As you saw two older men approach you, your instincts took over once again. You ended up punching one in the face and kicking the other in the (cough...).

They both cowered into another corner in pain, as you had hit them in sensitive spots. You turned to face Yama, who's mouth was in awe, hanging slack-open. You lowered your eyebrows in anger before threatening to do the same to him. He chuckled at your attempt and tried to grab your neck, indicating signs of clear anger.

But, being yourself, you were too quick. You grabbed Hiro's wrist and yanked him, basically forcing him to run with you, in which he didn't protest. You ran as far as you could, being an equivalent distance with Hiro. As you were running, you v
Continuously heard swearing and cursing, followed by a deep, booming voice that practically scared the wits out of you.

"Hiro Hamada! I will find you, and I will kill you! You and your little girlfriend both! Do you hear me!?"

(A/N) Before I even go into my opinion on this chapter, expect an Author's note at the end of every chapter like I've been doing XD

Okay, so, I honestly think I did good here at this part. But trust me, everyone. Things get a LOT worse. #JustAHeadsUp... XD
Thanks everyone for your continued support! Bye!

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