I tried to give her a glare. But trying too hard made me laugh. And my laugh made her laugh too.              But deep inside me, I knew I needed to try to break them apart.


                Because I was busy with club activities, True gradually became closer to Chase. At times when I was not with her, she would hang out with him. And I did not like it.

                The following week, I had another nightmare. To my horror, it was about my best friend.

                She was tied to a tree. Her clothes were tattered and the exposed skin was deeply wounded. She was barely breathing and when I tried to look into her eyes, I saw nothing.

                 She had no eyes.

                I woke up, paniced. It was my best friend that time, the one I deeply love and treasured. Before going to school, I prayed, hoping that I was mistaken.

                It was already second period when I called their house. I was hoping that she would only be late but skipping frist period was not her thing.

                Her mother picked up. When I asked her about True’s whereabouts, she told me with a hoarse voice, “I don’t know. She hasn’t come home since yesterday.”

                “But that can’t be. I walked with her until we were a block from her house.” I said with a paniced expression. She could not be another victim. Not my best friend.

                “I don’t know where she is,” she sobbed, “I just want my baby back.”

                After a short conversation, I hung up. I looked around for Chase and noticed that he was looking at me. I glared at him, but he returned a pokerface.

                “Does he know that I know?” I asked myself. But I pushed away the thought. He only did something to those who were linked to him. Even though that did not guarantee my safety, I was determined that I would find out what it was.


                After a month, I had no news about True’s whereabouts. The police asked me questions. They probably thought that I was the number one suspect. But all that time, they did not ask Chase, who was close to her for the past few days.

                It had only been a while since True’s death but Chase was already linked with someone new. It was Clare. She could have been True’s twin sister because of the same personality they possessed. But their appearance was far from each other’s. Still, I knew that it was Chase’s type.

                Because I wanted to help her, I decided to follow Clare after dismissal. I wanted to be a guardian, but I seemed like a stalker. Still, it was worth the risk to save someone’s life.

                Everyday after school, I would always follow her until she got home. But there was no sign of Chase anywhere. After a week, I decided to follow Chase.

                But I knew that following Chase was dangerous. If he caught me, I knew that I would probably be another victim. So the day before, I decided to carry a knife. I had no intention of using it on him, but I thought that I could scare him away with it. I wrapped it with my bandanna and hid it to the depths of my backpack.

                Even though Chase was popular, he could be a total mystery. No one knew where he lived. No one knew his relatives. Whenever there was an occasion or a parent was needed at school, he would always have a letter as an excuse for him not to bring someone. It could be nothing for others, but it was something for me. There must be a dark reason why he did not bring any relative at school till then. And I would find out why.

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