She had not planned on what she saw, a fox and rabbit, guns drawn and patrons down on the ground, "Get down on the ground carrots and you won't get hurt." He warned her. He had turned to bare his weapon on her.

"Oh you did not." Judy said as she drew her pistol and aiming it at the fox before he could blink, "Do NOT call me carrots you stupid fox." She pulled the trigger and sent a shot firing right past his head. The fox's partner turned to aim his weapon at the bunny as well, taking his eyes off the security guard.

"Woah woah woah. Now drop the gun Fluff," The fox smirked "I'd hate to ruin your pretty face."

Judy turned and shot the security guard, who was reaching for his weapon in the confusion. "Don't threaten me with a good time, fox." She winked at Nick and walked up the one of the counters, completely ignoring the two and put a duffel bag on it. "Everything in the drawers, or you end up like tubby over there."

The tellers looked between the three with a confused look on their faces. Turning around, the fox aimed his weapon back at the tellers, "Well, you heard the lady, get on with the money." He liked this bunny, she had moxie.


They pulled down an alley and Judy jumped out of the car to open the garage door before proceeding to shut it behind them. Nick turned the car off and slumped in the seat, breathing a sigh of relief. The ashen rabbit appeared next to the driver's window, carrying the duffel bags full of money they had stolen from the bank slung over her shoulders, "Let's go count our profit" She didn't even wait, immediately heading for the stairs that lead to their suite. .

"Tell Gilbert to make me a drink, will ya?" The vermilion fox called out, lighting a cigarette and took a long drag, "What a day." Getting out of the car he tossed the smoke on the ground and stepped on it, making his way inside.

"Hey, is my drink ready yet?" Closing the door behind him he walked into their suite and into the kitchen. Taking a seat at the table he opened up one of the bags and dumped it onto the table, beginning to count.

"Welcome back Nicky. I see everything went alright." Turning his head the fox saw a familiar shaggy black rabbit walking over to the table with a bottle of gin and two glasses in his hands.

"Gil! Make yourself useful" Nick laughed and flashed a smirk.

"Oh shut up Nicky" He smiled and sat down across from Nick, pouring gin into the two glasses and passed on to the fox.

"Oh we both know you wouldn't really shoot me." Nick and Gilbert clinked their glasses together and took a sip.

"Would you two listen?" Judy said as she walked out of her and Nick's bedroom, now wearing a dress that almost matched the colour of her fur. She stopped by the fridge and pulled out a carton of carrot juice then a glass from the cupboard before walking over to the table. Pouring a glass, she added some of the gin to it.

The three of them sat for some time, counting the profits and reminiscing about the past.


Nick and Gilbert had been childhood friends. Growing up in a ghetto, every day was a struggle just to survive. Nick, being a fox was looked down on and distrusted. So he gave them what they wanted and he learned to pick pockets

Nick was scrounging for scraps of food when he had come across a really scruffy looking bunny with black fur sitting under a bridge near a fire. The crimson fox started to approach, but as Nick got closer, the bunny took notice and shrunk away from him.

"Hey, I'm Nick." He held out his paw, "Can I join you?"

The ebony bunny was hesitant, just staring at the outstretched paw. Who was this fox, why was he not hitting him and calling him names?

"Y-You're not g-going to h-hit m-me?" Everyone had always treated him like he was a piece of meat, what made this fox so different? Was he just acting nice so he would lower his guard? That had to be it.

"Why would I..." The vulpine trailed off, taking notice of the bruises that covered his face, "What happened to you, are you alright?" He took a step closer to see the rabbit's face better but he quickly shrank away.

"Hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you." Nick quickly took a step back and put his paws up to show he meant what he was saying.

The rabbit slowly relaxed and stared into the fire, "Everyone else does." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

"Well I'm not everyone else." Nick noticed that the mammal's cloths were in tatters, "Come on." He held out his hand again, "Let's be friends."

The ebony rabbit turned his head to look at Nick, "Friends?" No, this fox was just crazy


The trio had just finished counting the results of their latest heist, "Well," Gilbert said looking over a notepad, "Assuming Nick didn't miscount again.." He was cut off before he could continue.

"One time!" The crimson vulpine quickly interjected. "Will you EVER let me live that down?"

"No. Now as I was saying." He shot Nick a smirk, "We made off with Two Hundred Grand."

"This calls for another drink." Nick poured three more drinks and they toast to a nice haul.

"You boys have fun. I'm going to go enjoy my drink while I take a hot bath." The ashen rabbit stood up and walked up to the bathroom, Nick and Gilbert's voices carrying all the way down the hall.

After running her bath and climbing in, Judy sighed as she took a sip of her cocktail.

"The sun set sure is beautiful today..." she thought while looking out the window.


In the office of a Tundra Town mansion, an otter was being held by two polar bears over a hole on the floor.

"You're supposed to be my head of security. You let those two walk out with 200,000 of MY unlaundered money. Money, that can come back to me! You have failed me for the last time, Otterton." He tried to plea for his life but Mr. Big turned away and closed his eyes, "Ice him."

The otter screamed and fought as the polar bears submerged him in the freezing water and quickly replaced the cover. Frantic clawing and muffled screams could be heard as the otter fought for his life, then all was silent.

"Now then." The arctic shrew picked up his phone, dialing a number, "I need your services again. Manchas will pick you up at ten. I will tell you more over cannoli."


An ivory coated wolf walked into the central ZPD office and was greeted with mammals running around everywhere. Yesterday's bank robbery had created quite a stir within the department.

"Detective Howlett!" Gazelle standing/sitting behind a circular desk in the center of the foyer waved at the wolf, "Chief Bogo has a case for you."

The wolf walked over to the desk. "Hello to you too Sharon." He said while taking the file she was handing him. Yesterday's bank robbery? Alright," He closes the file and deadpans. "I'm going over to the bank to see what they could tell me about the perpetrators."  

R/Zootopia Anthology Volume I: Gritty ZootopiaWhere stories live. Discover now