"What was it that you said? Oh yea, if you want to get technical about it you're my STEP sister" Lauren laughed. Camila gave out a fake laugh, not knowing how to respond to that and wishing that Lauren didn't see her as just a sister. Her sister at that.

"Haha, yeah exactly," Camila said, rubbing the back of her neck. "We're good, right?" She hopefully asked. Though she knew it sounded weird to act on your feelings with your sister, and your sister being the one you were about to kiss, but she hoped Lauren wouldn't put that much thinking into it.

"Yea, we're good..Camz," Lauren told her, smirking because of the nickname.

"That's good to hear..lo" Camila smirked at her.

"Oh god, I can't believe I thought you were into me" Lauren laughed, hugging Camila. "That would've been so weird and distributing"

"Yea, most definitely," Camila said pulling away from the hug, feeling some time of way. "So, I was thinking" Camila started, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I was thinking we-"

"Hey, Lauren," Normani said, coming up from behind Camila, cutting her off smiling at Lauren. "Hey, Camila"

"Hey, Normani" Lauren smiled, standing upright looking at her with adoring eyes.

"Hi, Normani" Camila bit out to her with a bit of attitude. "Anyway, Lauren I was-"

"Are we still on for the party tonight?" Normani asked cutting Camila off once again. Huffing and giving up, Camila fell back on the lockers watching the exchange between them.

"..oh god the party's tonight!?" Lauren asked, hitting her forehead. "I forgot"

"It's fine, Lauren don't sweat it," Normani told her, rubbing her arm making Lauren internally freak out, while Camila rolled her eyes at them. "So, are we still on?"

"Yes, we most definitely are still on for the party" Lauren confirmed.

"Great! I'll see you at seven" Normani said.

"Not, if I see you first" Lauren quickly replied smiling, Camila on the other hand pretended to vomit in her mouth.

"You're cute" was the last thing Normani said to Lauren before walking away. Blushing hard Lauren turned around to a pissed-off looking Camila.

"What is wrong Camz?"

"Well, before Normani came I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out tonight, but never mind" she sadly tells. Feeling bad, Lauren played with Camila's hand.

"Hey, c'mon Camz don't be like that" Lauren tried.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Camila told, taking her hand away from hers. "But hey, have fun with Normani" about to walk away Camila was stopped by Austin. "Ugh, what do you want now Austin?"

"Camilla, please just give me one more chance" he begged. "What happened between Becky and I was a mistake, ok? Please let's just move past it and get back together"


"Her name is ca-mee-la, first of all," Lauren said cutting her off, standing in front of Camila. "You're fresh out of chances with her, for one. And secondly, the mistake wasn't you cheating on her with Becky, oh no you see Austin, you were the mistake" At this point, Lauren was face to face with him. "And you guys are never getting back together"

"You know, Lauren..." Camila couldn't even pay attention to whatever it was Austin was saying, because all she could think of was how Lauren was acting. I mean sure Lauren didn't like him, but this was new. "You act like she's your girlfriend!" That was all Camila heard, making her snap back into reality, seeing Lauren with a pissed off facial expression.

"Are you girls, ok?" Looking to the right, Camila saw Shawn.

"I could've handled it on my own, Shane" Lauren said arms crossed. "I didn't need your help"

"That's not my name, it's Shawn," he tells her.

"Right, I forgot," Lauren said rolling her eyes at him, shrugging her crossed arms, as she looked in the other direction. "Easy mistake" she sarcastically stated.

"No problem," he says not bothering to look at her. "Anyway Camila would you like to go to that party with me?"

"Yes," Camila said without giving it a second thought. If Lauren can go with Normani, then why can't she go with Shawn?

"What? No!" Lauren said. "You can't go with him"

"Why can't she?"

"Yea, why can't I?"

"....You know what? Never mind" Lauren faked smiled, walking away from them.

Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Camila hoped it was because she was jealous but she knew that was a long shot, but still she had high hopes for it to be true one day.

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