chapter one//re-meet

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          I hate it all. The smell of cotton candy. The buttery fingers, sticky soda, spilled ice cream, hot humid air. And the children. The screaming, crying, bratty, annoying children. If you haven't gotten the point I hate carnivals. And children. My mom, Kaylynn owns this stupid place. Don't get me wrong it was a blast when I was a child. Running around with my arm hooked in my best friend's arm. But it wasn't like that anymore. Arri and I weren't friends anymore, and I wasn't seven anymore.  As much as I enjoy the memories, sometimes it's too much. But now here. 

          A small child smiles up at me, now. She has bright blue eyes and pale blonde hair. "I hit all the cans," she squealed happily, pointing at the big teddy bear on the wall. "I'm sorry, that's when you hit the big cans after you hit all the small ones" I explained. Then I prepared for the fit. I know what happens now. The girl will cry. And her mother will come. And she will tell me her daughter hit all the cans. In the end, no matter how much I argue, the little girl will ed up with the big teddy bear and I end up staring at her walk away, her tongue stuck out at me. 

          This girl didn't do that though. "Okay" she smiled and held up a five dollar bill, "Can I play again?" I blinked at her for a second. "Yeah sure." I took the bill and handed the girl her three playing balls. "Max!" she called, "Come watch me play!" A tall boy walked out from behind the popcorn stand, holding a bucket a popcorn and a soda. His hair was pitch black compared to the girl's blonde hair. "I'm here, Kathrynne" the boy named Max said.  Then he looked up at me. His eyes were a bright green. "Sorry about her, Kat really wants that bear" Max cracked a smile. 

          I shook out of my trance and grinned, "No worries, it's not a bother." "I'm Max by the way" he shifted the soda onto his left hand and held out his right hand to me, "Nice to meet you." Before I could tell him my name Kathrynne groaned, "Max!" "Go, go" Max replied. I laughed and watched Kathrynne throw one ball at the cans. It hit the can but the can didn't budge. "Aw" Kathrynne frowned. "Here I'll help you" I murmured. Kathrynne beamed at me, "Really?" I smiled, "Of course."

           I bend down next to Kathrynne and took one of the balls. She watched as I taught her and Max watched me too. Then after my short lesson I handed her the ball, "Now you try." Kathrynne took the ball, sucked in a deep breath, and then hurled the ball at the cans. The cans toppled over and she grinned at me, "I did it!" "Yeah you did" I grinned back at her then walked behind the counter. I took down the bear and handed it to her, "And you won this." "Look, Max look! I did it!" Kathrynne ran over to Max, holding the bear as a trophy. "Say thank you" Max murmured to Kathrynne. "Thank you!" Kathrynne squealed, "I hope I see you again, maybe we could be friends." "You remind me of my old friend, Arri" I laughed. "Arri? I know an Arri, she's my--""Kathrynne we have to go" Max called, cutting Kathrynne off. 

          "Oh," Kathrynne frowned, "Bye!" She walked over to Max and they waved at me. I waved back and they were gone. "Shaileen!" someone shouted. I turned around to see my friend, Saige running toward me. "Saige!" I shouted back, smiling. She reached me and squeezed me, "Ugh I missed you." "How was Florida?" I asked. Saige rolled her eyes, "Horrible, ugh Denn asked my mom if she would marry him." "Oh" I frowned, "And your mom said yes?" "Of course she did! I don't know what she sees in him anyways" Saige groaned. "She sees someone who isn't your dad" I pointed out.  "Whatever" Saige sighed, "Can we go ride the Ferris Wheel?" "I get off my shift in," I checked my watch, "Ten minutes." "Okay and who was that guy?" Saige looked over her shoulder, "He looked dark." "This guy, Max I don't know but this little girl knew him and you know what she said she knows on Arri too, you think it might be our Arri?" I asked.

          Saige shrugged, "Doubt it, stop stressing, Arri doesn't matter." "She was my best--""I'm your best friend so shut up she's over with now hurry up" Saige shouted, cutting me off. I laughed, "Okay, okay." Saige smiled, "I'll be waiting." I stepped away from her to get my bag. When I went back she was holding two tickets to the Ferris Wheel. "Come on" she grinned. I rolled my eyes and took the ticket.

                                                                                 *         *         *

          The next day I had to work but only until 2 p.m. Saige was going to pick me up after my shift. For now I was back at the can booth. With the smells. The feels. And the children. "Hi!" someone squealed. I looked down to see Kathrynne holding a cotton candy and wearing a blue smile. "Kathrynne" I grinned, "Hello." "I knew I'd see you again and I brought Arri, she's my friend I was talking about" Kathrynne explained. "Oh really? Where is she?" I asked, trying to hold back my curiosity.  Kathrynne looked behind her then groaned. "Max, Arri come on!" she shouted, annoyed. "We're coming" Max called, laughing. Again he came out from behind the popcorn stand but now he had a tall brunette girl clinging to his arm. The same brunette I had run around with when I was seven. Arri noticed me too. 

          "So that's my brother's girlfriend, Arri and Arri this is..." Kathrynned paused and turned to me, looking for a name. "Shaileen" Arri said for me. "Oh you know her?" Kathrynne asked. I still couldn't answer. I managed to nod. "Then you guys could catch up , Max come on" Kathrynne skipped away from me and grabbed Max, "Come on." Kathrynne dragged Max away and they disappeared. "Hi" I murmured. "It's been a while" Arri mumbled, walking over to me. She hugged me and then stepped back. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Shay, I know we didn't...I know stuff went down last time we saw each other but I'm over that!" Arri shouted. "Last time I saw you, you were with MY boyfriend! You were with him while he was with me!" I shouted back. Arri folded her hands together, "I'm sorry."  "Yeah, right you told me five million times before but you didn't mean it, how are you two anyways? Still dating? Is he dating another one of your best friends while you two are together?" I snapped. 

          Arri bit her lip, "Shaileen, honestly I am sorry. Things with Ansel ended after the whole blowout. I'm with Max now." "I still don't see why I should forgive you" I whispered. "You don't have to but I am sorry" Arri reassured. "Okay" I muttered, checking my watch, "Saige is coming to pick me up soon so." "Saige? She's coming?" Arri asked. I nodded. Before Arri could say anything else Kathrynne came running. This time she had an older woman coming with her. "Hi, Arri" the lady told Arri. Arri smiled, "Mrs. Weisel." "You must be Shaileen" the lady said to me while Kathrynne stood beaming. "And you are?" I asked. "Kathrynne's mom" the lady said, "Lilian." "Nice to meet you, Lilian" I smiled. "Kathrynne was telling me how you work here" Lilian murmured. "Yes" I replied. "Well tomorrow Kathrynne wants to come to the carnival but I can't bring her and Max isn't all that responsible, can you watch her?" Lilian asked. 

          I hesitated. Saige and I were going to have a sleepover. But that was at night. "Sure" I agreed. Lilian smiled, "Thank you, honey." "No problem" I whispered. "Now come on, Kathrynne we have to go" Lilian grabbed her daughter, "And Arri, you coming?" "Yeah" Arri turned to me, " i'll see you tomorrow." "Arri--""Bye!" she called, cutting me off. The three of them walked off and I was left still confused. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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