Killer Nerd! Yandere!Eddie x Reader

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Y/N's POV:

I was just walking to school until I ran into Nate and Bear along the way. Though I didn't see Eddie which was strange. Usually hes with them when I walk to school. But I shook the thought off and I walked up to them.

Y/N: "Hey guys!"

Nate: "Hey Y/N!"

Bear: "Morning Y/N."

Y/N: "So wheres Eddie? I don't see him with you."

Nate: "Oh he said he wanted to walk to school alone this time."

Bear: "Yeah."

Y/N: *Oh okay. Lets go to school!"

Nate and Bear: "Okay."

We go to school and we saw Eddie but he hid instead of saying hello to us.

Bear: "That's weird, he seemed fine when we talked to him but now hes hiding from us."

Nate: *Mutters underneath his breath* "It has to be a Yo-Kai doing this."

Y/N: "I wonder if its because I'm around. You said he seemed fine when he talked to you both earlier."

Bear: "That could be it, also I always noticed Eddie would act a bit strange when you came around."

Nate: "True."

Bear: "I even saw him listening to your favorite songs one time."

Y/N: "You did?"

Bear: "Yeah, he tried to hide it too."

Nate: "Strange."

Y/N: "Yeah. Well class is about to start, we should get ready to sit down."

Nate: "Alright."

Bear: "Okay."

~After school~

I had the feeling of being watched while I was walking back home. When I looked back to see who was watching me, but no one was there. I was confused by this but continued to walk back home. Eventually I arrived at my house and took my shoes off at the door. I was getting ready to relax and unwind but a cloth, with some kind of liquid on it, covered my mouth. I started to struggle and fight it but after a few minutes I passed out due to the liquid. I eventually woke up tied up in a dark room. I wondered where I was then I heard some laughter from the corner of the room. It sounded familiar then I realized it was Eddie's laughter but it sounded darker and more sinister.

Eventually I saw a shadow come out of the corner where I heard the laughter and towards me. It was too dark to see who was. Suddenly the room filled with light and I saw who the  it was. It was Eddie! But why he here?

Y/N: "Eddie?"

Eddie: "I see you're finally awake sweetheart~"

Sweetheart? Why was he calling me 'Sweetheart'? I was confused.

Y/N: "Wait sweetheart? Why are you calling me sweetheart Eddie?"

Eddie: "What do you mean? I thought we were together N/N~"

Y/N: "Wait what?! We weren't together Eddie, I thought we were just friends!"

Eddie seemed to look angry when I said 'I thought we were just friends!' part.

Eddie: "It seems like those two are taking you away from me..."

Y/N: "Those two?"

Eddie: "I'll be right back sweetie~"

He then left me alone in the room. When he did, I was trying to get out of the rope I was tied up with. But no use, it was too tight to get off. I looked around for something to cut the rope with but nothing I could use. Then I just gave up and waited for Eddie to come back. After an hour of waiting, he finally came back but he was covered in blood and had a knife in his hand. Did...he kill Nate and Bear? I didn't want to believe it but here he is, covered in blood with a knife.

I started to cry.

Y/N: "Why...did you kill them Eddie?" With tears in my eyes.

Eddie: "They were in the way of our love~ Now no one can have you but me~"

My eyes widen when he said that.

Eddie: "We are now together forever my love~"

The End.

(Sorry if this was a bit cliche for a Yandere story. >w< This was my first Yandere story ever so I tried my best to write it.)

Yo-Kai Watch Eddie Archer x Reader Oneshots (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora