Chapter 2: Metting the Mystery Man

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Dislcamer: I do not own any of the mummy movies, but I do own my own Characters created in this story. Please read and review, any constructive criticism welcome.


Chapter 2:

Meting The Mystery Man

As I leave my apartment there would be really dark and heavily filled clouds, it seemed as if it would begin to poor down any second. I sigh softly as I make my way onto my scooter; which is the only vehical I was allowed to drive around in Egypt, considering my age iand taking nto account, their laws. I truly enjoyed this thing espically in high traffic times; pulling out my keys I would start it up, the scooter rang out with a decently soft hum, before I steadied myself on it and drove off towards downtown Cairo, towards my club; which I decided to name ReMix, corny I know, but I enjoyed the name and nothing else seemed to quite nail the style of it on the head. As I left though it felt as if I could feel a set of eyes on me; quickly I would turn back to glance over my shoulder, finding nothing out of the ordinary I shrug it off and quickly sped off.

Once I arrived at the club, which sat perfectly squared off to the hill it sat on, the building itself was made of extra strong wood and marble; yes that's right I poored every penny I had into this building, with a black and white paint color and a amazing multicolored neon sign with "ReMix" clearly printed in fancy letters. I would pull around to the side of the building and park my little purple scooter, turn it off and grab the keys, as I do that same sense of being watched plagued once again. This time I take my time as my eyes glance around, but soon give up not finding anything; probably being just my paranoid self, I am a young woman living alone so I can't be to careful.

I quickly go around to the front door with the key in hand and stick it in the large dead bolt resturant type lock and turn it all the way around unlocking the door for myself, before turning it half way around and pull out the key as I open the door and step inside. Allowing the door to lock once againg behind me, the inside was covered with midnight blue with cosmic type feel to it, I always found it very enthawling idea, the couches and chairs are a simple red velvet curved style, a nice large open dance floor, with a decently modern sized bar as well, as a VIP .

I would head upstairs towards my office, opening the door to only see a large pile of papers sitting on my desk, as I made my way towards the chair and sat down in it with a soft sigh setting down my purse right next to my feet under the desk as I set to work. After while someone would knock on my door "come in" I called to the person on the other side, not bothering to look up, I had about two hours left of work before I needed to go home and change.

"Miss O'Connell, I wanted to let you know every dish and glass have been accounted for and in their proper place, the only trouble I foresee in the kitchen is enough soap to wash dishes" a young Egyptian male, with short dark hair and deep brown eyes said as he stepped inside of the office, ausing me to finally stop d give him a light smile "thank you so much Alahmi you've been such a great help in all this, such a heaven sent" I say with a soft smile as I take in his appearance, which looked quite dirty from cleaning and such.

"Thank you Miss O'Connell, um..I have a question though" Alahmi spoke, causing me to peak my interest "mmm sure ask way" I said to him, not even close to expect the next thing out f his mouth "do you believe in Destiny?" he simply asked, before turning to leave out of the office. I sit there flabbergasted at having been caught off guard by such simple question "I am not even sure that I believe in magic let alone fate or Destiny" I think to myself s I finish out my work, those thoughts still swirling in my mind.

Awaking: discovering the true pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن