A New Predator

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Unity Standard Time: 16:47, 1st of December U89. High geosynchronous orbit above Phobos III.

Nulo shuddered as the scream died down. There was a faint gurgle as it did so, which spoke wetly of the blood collecting in the woman's lungs. The punctures would kill her soon, he knew, but she had a little life left yet.

He grinned, and administered another dose of the paralytic. A beautifully refined drug, it kept his victim completely helpless but preserved every last morsel of sensation. She could scream her delicious screams until her voice gave out, but she could not close her eyes. He knelt in front of her again to drink in the terror within those perfect, green-irised orbs, and could not help but laugh at the sheer joy it gave him.

It was only a pity that the look of betrayal had already faded from her eyes. That had brought forth a crow of triumph unconsciously from his throat as he had driven the first needle into her flesh and watched closely, eagerly, as the truth of the situation had dawned on her.

When she finally expired, he would go back to the cockpit and submit his report. He had already charmed all the information out of her days ago, but had preferred to take his time with the execution. The mission parameters had not included any specific way for her to die, after all, so why not indulge himself in a little fun while he was at it? They would no doubt assume it had been torture that had extracted the information they sought, but he did not think they would particularly care one way or another; results were results, and they couls hardly argue with his.

He smiled as he stroked his companion's cheek with his bloodied hand. Soon, he would be a member of the most prestigious group of people in the galaxy. Soon, at just eighteen years of age, he would be a fully-credentialled Predator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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