Flick tuned out once again (really bad habit now that she thought about it) and focused again when Bellamy started walking away. "Hey! Shooter! The hell is my radio?" Flick stepped directly in front of him.

"Get out of my way," Bellamy snapped. Flick didn't budge.

"Where is it?"

Bellamy scoffed. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Really? Well I'm right here," Flick smirked when Bellamy pinned her to a tree, pointing her pocket knife to his throat. "Where's my radio?"

Clarke stepped forward. "Okay, stop it!"

Bellamy dropped Flick and stepped away from her. "Jaha deserved to die. You all know that."

Flick snorts rather unattractively. "Well I hate him, but he isn't dead. You're a lousy shot." Flick grinned wickedly as Bellamy's face paled in shock.

Clarke gave Bellamy a whole speech about how he still had time to fix things, but his eyes remained on Flick's the entire time.

"Where's the radio?"

"It's too late."

The group made their way back to camp, Flick taking in the scenery once more. Entering through the gate, the whispers begin.

"So, where's Charlotte?" Flick asked Finn.

Finn shared a look with Clarke before they both turn to Bellamy. He paused for a moment before looking away from Flick. "Charlotte is dead."

Time stopped. Flick felt her world crumbling down. Charlotte was the closest thing she ever had to a family. They stuck by each other after their parents were floated, and they became each other's family. When she was arrested, Flick was there to witness it all. And now she's dead.

"What the hell did you do?!" Flick screamed, lunging at Bellamy. "She was 12! What did you do to her?!"

Flick got two punches in before Finn finally got his arms around her waist and pulled her off. Flick turned and sobbed against Finn's chest. He quickly led her away from the crowd while Bellamy gathered a search team for the radio.

Finn helped calm Flick down and they followed the search team out. On the walk to the river, Flick started to wander towards a bush of flowers. Finn quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the group. Flick frowned but followed Finn. The moment the river came into view, Flick stopped in place and her jaw dropped. Finn led her to a rock and handed her a new cloth for her head. Flick sat down and sighed, watching the team search the river.

"I found it!" Jones shouted. Flick quickly stood and pushed passed everyone to reach the radio.

Flick took the radio and tilted it, watching sadly as all the water poured out of it.

"Can you fix it?" Clarke asked hopefully.

Flick huffed in annoyance. "Maybe. It'll take half the day just to dry out the components to see what's broken."

"Like I said, it's too late," Bellamy said, almost smugly.

Clarke rounded on Bellamy, shouting at him while Flick thought harder.

"We don't have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know we're down here, right?" Flick asked, looking from the radio to Clarke.

Finn nodded. "How do we do that with no radio?"

"My pod has rockets. We can make flares!" Flick said, a wicked grin gracing her lips. Bellamy stared a moment longer than he should've.

The group returned to camp, where Flick left her radio safely with Monty to dry out. Bellamy helped Flick gather a group of their strongest boys before leading them back to the pod. Bellamy watched in admiration as Flick instructed the boys on what to grab and what not to touch. He admired her for not knowing half of them, but still commanding the crowd.

"We need to launch those flares ASAP if we have any hope of saving those people. Finn, get that control panel to camp. You, pull out those fire circuits in one piece or they won't work. Clarke, can I have a hand?" Flick handed her a wrench. "Work these bolts here gently. Rocket fuel likes to go boom. We're gonna need power to fire."

"They're tying in the batteries on the drop ship. Should be ready when we get there," Clarke said.

"Great. So what's the problem?" Flick asked her, knowing something was up.

"Nothing. I just, uh...Well if we get the rockets to launch, will they see them from the Ark?" Clarke looked up at Flick.

"Like the good book says, it's all about burn time and cloud cover," Flick smiled. "But I know your mom will be watching. I've never seen anyone love someone the way she loves you. You know that, right?"

"I did," Clarke said and Flick gave her a confused look. "It's complicated."

Flick nodded and got back to ordering people around.

"Move it! Move it! Move it!" Flick shouted.

They moved quick to get the parts ready, the teens not doing anything for the flares started on the bonfire.

"Here you go," a delinquent said, handing Flick the canister of rocket fuel.

Flick carefully took the fuel and nodded. She braced herself and quickly got to work.

"Alright! You two! Come help me lift this on!" Finn shouted at two bulky - looking criminals.

They carefully helped him lift a rocket onto the metal brace. Then they went back for the second. And finally the third.

"Three! Two! One!" Flick yelled and the two delinquents launch the flares.

All around them, the camp is cheering and watching the flares soar. Flick smiled smugly, watching the flares shoot towards the sky.

"Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?" Clarke answers with a question. Bellamy gives her an odd look. "Forget about it."

Flick looked over at Bellamy.

"I wouldn't even know what to wish for." Bellamy's eyes meet Flick's.

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published date: 3-15-2021

edited date: 11-22-2021

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