"What's the matter?" He asks me closing the door after himself "not getting nervous for the wedding?"

"I... I'm not sure that I love you any more" I tell him closing my eyes

"What?" He shouts questioning me "we've been together just over two years and you decide to tell me now that you don't love me? How could you Harry!" I flinch at his voice he's angry it feels as if he could hurt me at any moment but I don't feel anything "I gave you everything a man could ever dream of.. we're getting married. We had plans but no you are throwing all that away! I love you Harry and you decide to tell me now that you don't. Your seeing someone else aren't you! I bet Liam's put you up to this. We were fine until he showed up here" Charlie furrows his eyebrows "Just wait till I get my hands on him" He says storming out of the room I freeze he's right... how could I lead him on... he's given me everything I've ever asked for... but he throw all that away the day that he hit me..

I run into the kitchen to see Charlie lying on the floor "Liam?" I say looking at Charlie on the floor blood stained on his face

"Come on pack a bag quickly we've got to go!" Liam says panicking I quickly run up the stairs and into mine and Charlies room, I find my rucksack in the corner of the wardrobe and pack some clothes and other things that I need. I quickly run down the stairs to find Liam at tell bottom with his rucksack. We get into liam's car, Liam hits the exhaust and we are off.

"Call Niall" Liam says "ask him if it is possible if Louis would let us get ready at his house" I take my phone out of my pocket and dial Niall's number

"Harry? You okay?" Niall answers the phone

"Erm no... would Louis be able to meet me and Liam at his house... something has h-happened and we can't get ready at mine" I tell him my voice trying not to crack

"Are you okay?" He asks again

"Yeah... can he do it?" I ask again

"I'll get him to go now" Niall says I put the phone down. I feel my eyes fill up with tears again.

"Hey, your out of there now" Liam says rubbing my knee "don't cry"

"I love him Liam... it's hard" I mutter "he may have been a dick but he did care once. I just don't know what happened"

"I didn't know mate. Nothings happened between he two of you has it?" He asks

"No, he just turned this one day. I got back from work a hour late... he had cooked a really nice meal for us. But when I got home... I remember I opened the door and as soon as I walked into the kitchen where he was he shouted at me for being late. He grabbed hold of my t-shirt and shook me, told me that he'd had enough and he- he hit me on my cheek... left left a red mark there for a day. I had to tell people that I walked into the door. That was it for a couple of weeks so I never thought much of it. But that night where me you and Niall went out one night and Niall took a video of that stripper was grinding on me at that Hen do that we went to. He saw the video and hit me again... he told me that he was okay with it but that he thought that he was all that I needed" I close my eyes... I wish none of this had happened, he hurt me mentally and physically. I bite my lip and look at Liam who has a tear rolling down his face

"Why couldn't I see sooner? I should have questioned you more about everything. He never deserved you Harry. After everything that you've been though... Stacey, her mum... everything" Liam says wiping his tear away

"It's not your fault Liam" I reassure him

"But it's not your fault either" Liam says "You never did anything to deserve this"

"I made my daughter run away" I say faintly "if I has been honest with her to begin with, none of this would have happened. I would be with Caroline and life would be simple"

"Really?" Liam sighs "Caroline? I thought she was just a hook up every so often, nothing serious?"

"Well, yeah but we were emotionally involved aswell" I tell him

"What about Louis?" Liam asks

I look at him in shock "What do you mean?" I ask him

"If you had of stayed with Caroline... you and Louis wouldn't have been a thing..." Liam says as he pulls on to a drive way "you wouldn't have met Charlie but... you wouldn't have been with Louis"

I look at Liam and sigh "let's get ready" I say getting out of the car, Liam follows after getting our suits out of thr back there's already a black landrover pulled up on to the drive which I'm guessing is Louis'. Liam knocks on the door and two seconds later Louis is at the door smiling

"You okay Li?" He asks letting us both in

"Yeah, nervous but other than that I'm okay" Liam laughs a little

"How are you Harry?" Louis asks me

"I'm grand" I smile half heartedly he looks at me confused but shakes his head smiling

"Right here's the key, lock up when your done and just give it back to me later" Louis says handing Liam the key, Louis let's himself out after saying bye.

"You would have missed out on that" Liam says walking into the living room to pick our suits back up and walks back to me and hands mine to me

"I have missed out on that" I correct him "I shouldn't have walked away when I did... I took the cowards way out. I've regretted it every day since. But there's no way of changing the past" I sigh

"You could always start fresh" Liam says shrugging "Charlie is in the past now..." Liam walks up the stairs "Now get changed or ill be late for my own wedding" Liam says

I fiddle with my suit between my fingers. I take my top and trousers off and walk into the living room to put the suit on. Once I've but my suit on I look around the room. There's pictures on the walls of Louis and family and some of his friends. Pictures can tell you alot about a person, Louis is a family man... he likes to spend time with his family but also likes to liven things up at weekends with going out with mates. On the tv stand I see a familiar picture. One of me and Louis, it's one which I took when we were in bed, Louis was asleep on my chest, his hair sticking to me... his tiny hand on my stomach. "Harry. You ready?" Liam walks into the room he looks at the picture and smiles "He's in love with you Harry" Liam says "and all your little things" he says hitting me on the balls

"What the hell Liam?" I wince in pain "why did you do that?"

"Why not?" Liam says "I was trying to make light of the conversation" I shake my head

"He's said that?" I ask him curiously

"Well to Niall... but because of his memory loss to him it feels like last week you two were together" Liam says looking at the photo

"Must have been hard" I bite my lip "come on, we should get to the hotel to get my you married" I smile

"You driving?" Liam asks me and I smile at him

"I can't let the groom drive himself to his own wedding can I?" I take the keys from Liam smiling "I can't believe that today's the day"

Aurtors note
Thank you for reading, next chapter should be up in about a week... sorry this chapter took longer than expected!
But hope you enjoyed it!
Wedding next chapter!!! Hope your all ready to be the guests!

S x

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