chapter 2

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Stephanie couldn't stop thinking about Charles after he rushed out like he did yesterday. She was worrying herself sick especially after she got to school to find that he wasn't there. She felt the need to check on him. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to call him at least." Said Stephanie. She picked up the kitchen phone and dialed Charles home phone number that she found in the phone book. It rung, and it rung, and it rung, but nobody answered. "Why won't he answer?" She asked to herself. She then dialed the number again and he failed to answer. Stephanie started to get a horrible feeling deep deep down in her gut. She felt the need to go check on him just to make sure he was okay. She also thought about how much of a bad idea it was for her to go alone. What if Charles dad answers the door instead of Charles? She had hundreds of thoughts racing through her head but she didn't care. Charles was her friend. A friend in need of some serious help. "A true friend wouldn't let her best friend suffer. I should be there for him. He needs me now more than ever." Said Stephanie. She then hung up the phone, grabbed her coat, and snuck out of the front door hoping nobody would hear her. This was a mission she had to do alone. Or so she thought doing it alone was needed. She walked down the street with her blue hoodie on and her hood over her head. She didn't want anyone to recognize her. It took a good few minutes but when she finally got to his house she stopped in the front yard to think of a plan. "It might be best to not go through the front door. Maybe I can find Charles bedroom window instead. That way his dad won't know that I'm here." Said Stephanie. She then quickly ran through the yard holding down her hood over her head to hide her identity. Once she got to the side of the house she slammed her back up against the house and looked up at all the windows. There were many of them and most of them were to high for her to reach. This was obviously a two story house. "Great. What if I can't find a window to crawl through?" She asked herself as she continued to walk around the house. When she got to the back yard she saw that there was at least one window cracked. "Well, at least thats something. Please, please, please, let this be Charles room." She said as she approached the window. She got right under the window and jumped as high as she could. She grabbed the window seal and began pulling herself up. She then had to squeeze her way through the window until she fell to the floor. "That wouldn't have hurt so much if I had landed on carpet." Said Stephanie. She stood up off the floor and looked around the room she had crawled into. "Really. The bathroom!" Fussed Stephanie. "How am I supposed to get to Charles room without getting caught?" She asked herself. She quietly walked over to the bathroom door and quietly peaked through it to see if there was anyone in the hallway. She didn't see anything at the end of the hall but there was three big dogs at the beginning of the hall who were looking right at her growling. "You've got to be kidding me." Said Stephanie who was now terrified. The dogs went crazy. They started barking and chasing after her. Stephanie slammed the door shut and locked it. The dogs were jumping and clawing at the door trying to get to her. She began to hyperventilate. "So much for keeping my secret visit a secret!" She said panicking. She started to panic even more once she heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. "Oh no he's going to kill me! What do I do, what do I do?" She backed away from the door till her back hit the wall. The doorknob started to twist but it was locked thankfully. "Hey, whos in my bathroom?" Yelled a woman on the other side. Stephanie knew Charles didn't have a mother so why was there a lady at the door? "Oh my gosh what if I'm in the wrong house!?" She asked herself. Her eyes got big and she rushed over to the window thinking she could get back out. She poked her head out the window to see how long of a fall it would be. It wasn't that long but it would still hurt more than what it did crawling through the first time. "If I can open the window completely then maybe I can get out easier." She said. She grabbed ahold of the window and began to lift as hard as she could but the window wouldn't open anymore. The lady then started to kick at the door. Stephanie gave up on the window when she knew that plan wouldn't succeed. Once she heard the door crack she crouched down on the floor and pulled her hood completely over her head. The woman finally kicked the door in. She saw what looked like a child hiding her face, bundled up in a little ball against the wall. Stephanie began to cry when the footsteps came towards her. The lady crouched down in front of Stephanie and put her hand on her head. Stephanie jumped when the lady touched her. "I'd appreciate it if I knew who was in a home and why?" She asked using a soft voice. Stephanie shook her head and continued to sob out of fear. The lady could hear the child crying. She knew she had terrified her thanks to her dogs and from kicking down the door. "Hon please look at me. I'm sorry I scared you." Said the woman trying to get Stephanie to show her face.

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