Chapter Two

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Yoonbum was currently walking down a very familiar street. Before today his intentions were only to watch and hide; now, they were much more. This time he would actually enter Sangwoo's home, something he had planned but now he wouldn't have to break laws. Since the walk from his uncle's to Sangwoo's was kinda long, Yoonbum's mind began to wander (like it usually does.) He did a small reflection of the day: after parting ways with Sangwoo, he continued on to his other classes as usual. But this time, he didn't bother taking the longer ways that he usually did to see Sangwoo. Typically, Yoonbum would search for him any chance he got, but since he'd see Sangwoo later... he didn't seem to care. But the day went on, and after a whole day of not seeing Sangwoo, Yoonbum noticed he wasn't on the bus either. Which isn't too unusual but, it left Yoonbum feeling very out of routine. But he dealt with it and eventually he was getting off the bus and heading to his uncle's home. The funny thing is, his uncle only cared about two things, his beer and his computer. Surprisingly, the computer worked pretty well but Yoonbum wasn't allowed to touch it.

"Why would I let you use mine if you can use the ones at school!" His words would be loud and slurred, Yoonbum gave up on trying to convince his uncle that he wouldn't break it. But he didn't want to be a burden to Sangwoo and show up without a computer. So he quickly and quietly entered the house and took the computer while his intoxicated uncle was passed out on the couch. Knowing his uncle's patterns, he wouldn't be a fully functioning human being until tomorrow afternoon.  So that brought him back to this point, walking to Sangwoo's home. He still couldn't believe it, he was surprised and kinda happy but, also very worried. 'What if he thinks I'm annoying? Or what if he expects me to do the whole thing? I still don't know what the topic is! He's gonna think I'm a slacker and that I actually an deaf.' This anxiety wasn't a stranger to Yoonbum but, he still hated it. Overall he knew he'd have to shove it down and forget about it cause now he was standing in front of Sangwoo's home; trying to gather the courage to ring the doorbell.
*ding, dong*
The sound seemed to last forever but next thing he knew Yoonbum was standing in front of an open door.
"You just gonna stand there?" Sangwoo spat at him, he sounded angry.
"Uhm, no.." Yoonbum felt awkward. But mostly he was hoping Sangwoo's anger was all in his head.
"Then hurry in, its cold out here" Sangwoo stepped to the side and held the door open further. Yoonbum quickly stepped in and let the door close behind him.
"You brought a computer?" Sangwoo glanced down at the bag that was hanging over Yoonbum's shoulder and nodded. "Good." He moved forward past a set of stairs and down a small hallway into a kitchen where a table was set up. On the table sat a computer, some markers, and a poster.
"A poster would be pretty easy to make and its not too boring, so I got it at the store today" Sangwoo explained, it now made sense why he wasn't on the bus. Yoonbum nodded. He was slightly upset that he wasn't asked what he wanted to do but, he had no objections to a poster. 
"Go in and make a document for our paper" Sangwoo ordered, "share it with me." His face showed little emotion, and he didn't seem like any of Yoonbum's ideas would be accepted any time soon.
"What do I name the document?" Yoonbum asked, hoping to get a hint to what the topic was.
"Just put the topic as the name" Sangwoo said, knowing fully well Yoonbum didn't know the topic. He just wanted him to admit it.
"Uhm.. I shared it with you but, I'm having internet trouble. Can you name it?" Thinking quickly, Yoonbum nervously said the first excuse that came to mind. But Sangwoo wasn't giving up easily, this quickly became a game for him.
"Well, here take my conputer. I'll check the internet for you" Sangwoo handed him the computer, trying so hard to keep a straight face. On the other hand, Yoonbum didn't know what to do. He could've explained from the beginning that he didn't know the topic but, that would be too simple and the author wouldn't have anything else to write about. So here he was, freaking out. But then another idea popped into Sangwoo's mind, he typed a name into the document and handed the computer back.
"Here internet fixed." This time he couldn't hold back a small smirk as he watched Yoonbum's face. On the screen read: I know you don't know the topic. When Yoonbum looked up, Sangwoo's face was less than an inch away from his. Sangwoo had leaned over the table and proped himself on his elbows. The only thing between them was the computer.
"You could've just told me." Yoonbum could feel Sangwoo's breath on his skin.
"I u-uh.." Yoonbum stuttered, searching for words. But they're faces were so close he could see the pores on Sangwoo's skin. The way the bags under his eyes made him surprisingly more attractive, or how his jaw was sharp enough to cut a bitch. Sangwoo looked up at him and smirked,
"You're weird." And as much as Yoonbum wished he could freeze time, Sangwoo moved back and began typing. LGBT Rights.
Yoonbum's eyebrows raised, and Sangwoo answered like he could read minds.
"Mrs. Blook said that she wanted us to cover things that were controversial and give a positive outlook. The world needs more happiness."
Yoonbum understood that, and as a gay piece of shit he obviously wasn't about to object.
"Alright, where do we start?"

So they wrote for a little thinking that they could go through and revise over and over. They had 5 months for Pete's sake! But after a while Sangwoo stood up, walked over to a cupboard, and pulled out some ramen. Yoonbum slowly stood up and watched Sangwoo make food. He looked up at the clock, 10:42pm. It's getting late but, like he was gonna leave now? He just waited and silently watched as Sangwoo brought the water to a boil, added the noodles, etc. (If your reading this your probably yaoi trash like the author and you probably live off of gays and ramen so.. there's no need to explain how ramen is cooked.) After he was done Sangwoo pulled open another cupboard and took out two bowls. He filled one bowl and then sat back down.
"Take as much as you want I don't give a damn" he said in a monotone voice. Again, he sounded upset. But Yoonbum shrugged it off and took a small serving of the ramen. He sat down across from Sangwoo and quietly ate his noodles. It was silent. Not awkwardly silent, more of a comfortable silence. It was nice, but then Yoonbum kept doing that embarrassing thing where you try to stretch your legs but you accidentally touch feet with another person under the table.  That made it a little awkward. It was getting late, 11:04pm to be exact. Yoonbum could feel the weight on his eyelids, and an uncomfortable headache beginning to set in. Eventually his head fell as his body went into a deep sleep. There was no waking him up, Sangwoo tried. Plus, to make the situation a little more unusual, Yoonbum's head fell in the ramen. So Sangwoo removed the bowl out from under Yoonbum's head and washed it out. Not bothering the broth and noodles on the table and Yoonbum's face. He thought a little, 'look at that idiot, how do you fall asleep in the middle of eating ramen! Seriously though. Ugh what a bum.' And that was it, he didn't turn off the computers, put away the poster, nothing. Sangwoo went to bed.

A/N- I know my fellow crusts hate me for this but...

What does Julius Caesar eat when he doesn't want to go out?

Roman Noodles

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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