Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

I reach another junction and this time I decide to turn left rather than right which leads me to another row of cells. And straight into the back of another guard.

He turns around to look at me, his face already shaped into a nasty scowl. Instead of raising his gun, he raises his walking talkie and grumbles a message in code to whoever is on the other end.

"Today of all days a prisoner had to escape... typical." He says before taking a leap to grab hold of me. I mange to jump out of the way just in time which leads to his falling on his face.

I manage to shoot him through him in the leg while he is on the floor, causing him to shout it in pain. I am about to run off again but then I realise what he actually said.

Pointing the gun to his head I ask him "what do you mean by 'today of all days'?"

He scoffs at me before saying "I'm not telling you. You're practically scum here." His hand then reaches towards his own gun so the insane part of my mind shoots his hand so he cannot reach it.

"Tell me or I... I... I'll shoot you through the head." I threaten him, trying to sound confident but failing miserably.

"What've I got to lose? I'm gonna die anyway. The whole place is under attack. You have probably noticed the lack of guards around 'ere, yeah? Well they're all guarding Crow. Won't be long till they infiltrate their way down 'here though. Then they'll shoot me through the head if you haven't already."

"Who is attacking here?"

"His should I know? I'm not important enough to be told that. Could be anyone, other rebels of this group. Maybe those of Shadowfell, they've been quiet lately. Could even be the palace, 'ere to take their precious princess home. For your sake you better hope it's them cause any other group will kill you as soon as they see you. Trust me, Crow has been quite kind to you compared to them."

"So you really do not know?" I ask, not completely believing his story.

"Nope... if I were you, I'd turn right at the next junction and then another right. You'll find a fire exit near there. Shoot down anyone who stands in your way. I'm only 'ere for the money and it doesn't look like I'll be 'ere for much longer. Can't stand everyone 'ere, you ever meet Smythe? He's Crow best man, rotten person he is.

'Anyway, leave through the fire exit. An alarm will be triggered so be ready to run as fast as you can. As far as I'm aware, whoever is attacking is only attacking here so head straight for the city and go home. Now do me a favour and shoot me straight through the head like you have been threatening to do for the last ten minutes. I'd rather you do it than someone else. I don't fancy being shot by anyone else, in fact it would be quite an honour to be killed by you."

"I do not want to kill you."

"You've shot me twice already..."

"Only so you would not kill me first." I tell him.

"I would've done the same. Now I'm begging you, shoot me." He pleads with me, looking honesty quite pathetic.

Shaking my head, I tell him "I'm sorry but I cannot do that. It just does not seem right." before running off.

Right, I need to take the next right, I keep thinking to myself as I run past the cells, holding back prisoners. The guards stays where he is on the floor, not moving and not saying a single word. A part of me feels guilty for not doing what he asks by I really hope that I will be able to come back soon and help him in some way. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to do better in life.

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