"Monsiour Enjolras. It's a pleasure to see you again." Javert said.

"Javert, thank you for coming." Joly said awkwardly.

"I'm afraid I can't stay long, Monsiour Joly. There has been talk of revolution in the air and we intend to crush it before anything drastic happens." Javert said.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" Joly asked.

"My men and I. We have more than a thousand soldiers trained for things such as this." Javert said.

"I see. Excuse us for a moment will you?" I said, before dragging Joly to the other side of the room.

"Enjolras, this is bad. We barely have forty men and they have more than a thousand." Joly whisper-shouted.

"I know, I know. I think we should hold an emergency meeting in Café Musain tonight, when this is over." I whispered back.

"But this bloody party could go on for hours." He said. I thought for a moment.

"Let's Stay until about ten and if it hasn't died down, we'll just sneak off." I said.

"Alright, I'll tell Marius and rhen round up Les Amis, you tell Eponine." Joly said. We walked through the crowds towards the two, who had finished dancing and were talking to one another.

"Oh dear, someone beat us to it." Joly said. Javert had approached Eponine and she didn't look at all happy.

"Thank you anyway, Madame. Have a good evening." He was saying as we approached.

"What was that about?" I asked Eponine once Javert was gone.

"He was asking if I wanted to spy on you again. I said no." She huffed.

"We have to have an emergency meeting at the café Musain tonight." I whispered.


"Javert was saying something about having a thousand men and we don't have enough." I explained.

"Are thousand men? Enjolras, we don't even have half of that." She said.

"I know, I know, that's why we're having a meeting. I want to see if the others have an idea." I replied. "If that's okay with you, of course."

"Enjolras, I'm ready to leave now. Round up the troupes and let's move out." She replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? You only danced with one person." I said.

"Of course I'm sure."

"Fine. But first..." I said, out stretching my hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

"Well, I suppose one dance wouldn't hurt, Monsiour." She laughed.

I led her towards the other dancers  and started to lead her through the dance.


"Yes love?"

"Where is Joly and Gavroche? They were here a minute ago." She asked.

"They went to go and round up the others for the meeting." I said, twirling her slightly in time with the music.

"Enjolras! Eponine!" Marius called, running over.

"Yes?" We said, stopping our dance.

"Come on, let's go. Joly is outside." He said. We started to walk casually outside but we were blocked by a doorman.

"Excuse me,sirs, but where are you off to? The ball is not yet over. We insist that you stay until after the Lord and Lady's speech." He said.

"I'm sorry, but we were just bringing Mademoiselle Eponine outside for a breath of fresh air. She was getting a bit light headed." Marius said, quickly.

"Of course." The footman said, stepping aside.

"That was close. Good thinking Marius." Eponine said.

"Come on you lot. Let's get going." Joly said once he saw us.

"We're coming, we're coming." I said. "Did you manage to get everyone?"

"Yes, but Grantaire passed out twenty minutes ago." Gavroche said.

"No surprises there." Eponine said. She had started to take her hair down and wipe off some of the make up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Cosette put too much makeup on me. And my head was getting sore from whatever she did to it." She explained.

"Who's Cosette?" Marius asked.

"No one. She's just a friend of mine." Eponine said.

We reached the café at last and were met by wolf whistles and people laughing at our attire.

"Eponine, did you trade your rags for a ballgown?" Someone called.

"Are we here to scrutinise my clothing?" She asked. "Look, if anyone is jealous of my outfit, I can take you shopping one day and we can buy a whole new wardrobe filled to the brim with dozens of frocks."

The room was silent for a moment.

"You got yourself a good woman there, Apollo." Joly murmured.

"I know Joly." I said. "And don't call me Apollo!"

Colour of Desire {Enjonine}Where stories live. Discover now