1. An Angel Who Cares

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  "C'mon Y/N! You HAVE to come to the party! Everyone's going!" My friend Mia begged. Mia was one of my best friends! She wasn't like other people. Let's say that she was unique. Mia was full of madness! She went crazy from time to time and whenever she eats sugar or sweets or something with sugar in it. She goes on a kind of sugar rush and goes insane! It was funny and that's what I loved about her.
This Friday was the biggest party of the school year! School was going to end on Friday and me, Mia and some of my other friends were relieved for that! I heard that everyone was going, all except me. At the moment. I LOVED parties but when my mother heard that there was going to be sex, alcohol, and crazy stuff like that... Let's say that she seriously didn't give me permission to go. My boyfriend by the name of Peter was definitely going to be there. I mean, what would you expect from the captain of the football team! Peter was rather overprotective and bullied innocent students but I would never allow that to happen.
Today was Thursday so the party is tomorrow and I'm still begging my mother to go but guess what? No avail!

"I'm trying to get my mother to agree! She's so stubborn!" I whined back. The bell had already rang for the end of school and the school halls were already starting to flood with students of different types. Goths, emos, jocks, queen bees of those kind of sorts. Mia rolled her eyes before saying "Well, convince her more! You can't miss this party!"

I sighed and grabbed my stuff from my locker and threw my backpack over my shoulder. "Well if you were in my shoes, you would find this extremely difficult!" I replied walking towards the school exit. Mia walked at my side and I could tell she was thinking of what to say next. Before she could say anything, I stopped her by being startled by a sound I hate to hear. Screams and cries.
I whipped around to see an emo curled up in a ball in the middle of the floor, in her own blood. He was getting kicked by 4 jocks but one of the jocks looked extremely familiar. Peter. My eyebrows furrowed and I stomped towards them. I could hear Mia mutter from behind me as she slowly followed behind.

As I approached the Peter and his friends, Peter's friends stopped kicking the poor emo and did "ooooooohhh" sounds which annoyed me. Peter hadn't realized that I was right behind me so I tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to spin around and face me. He opened his mouth to say something before I threw a hard slap at his face. Peter lost his balance and fell. "What in God's name were you doing!?!" I screeched. Everyone in the hall stopped and looked at us in amusement like this was some kind of entertainment. Peter slowly got back to his feet, holding his cheek where I slapped him. "Look, babe. It's not what it looks like. This emo is a waste of space, a freak! A~" Before he could finish, I rushed over to the poor emo who lay on the floor with a bloody nose and black eye. He was covered in bruises and his clothes soaked in blood.

"Not what it looks like! He's not a waste! Everyone in this world has a purpose! What did this poor guy do to you?!" I yelled crouched next to the emo. Peter didn't answer, instead stare at the emo. "You know how much I hate bullies so why are you being one?" I said quietly. Peter sighed and ran a hand through his raven colored short hair. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N." He huffed sadly. I didn't reply and watched him leave me alone with the emo.
Mia had disappeared somewhere when my back was turned and now everyone continued walking like nothing happened. I just hated how someone was getting beaten up and everyone just walked past like nothing was happening. It irritated me. I helped the emo to his feet which took lots of muscle since I really wasn't the strongest girl in the school. I helped the emo limp his way into one of the empty classrooms and set him on top of one desks. It was a horrible sight seeing someone like this, he's been abused by my boyfriend and his friends and it feels like it was my fault. I feel so guilty.

I cleaned the emo's wounds, he didn't say anything but wince if the wound hurt. When I was finished, he stared at me. He had blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes of an innocent and was pretty tan. He was skinny and a little bony but he was hot either way. I should've taken him to the nurse but I decided to make the nurse's job a lot easier by cleaning his wounds, although the nurse should check if he's broken something.

"What's your name?" I asked him. He weakly looked up at me and stared at me for a minute. "L-luke" he stuttered. I smiled at him. "Love the name. I'm Y/N" Luke nodded in reply. "Can you stand?" I asked. He slowly got off the desk. He groaned in pain and almost fell but held him up. I felt like we were getting watched. It was a freaky feeling because it made my skin crawl and made me suddenly feel nervous. There was no one else in this room which made me wonder suspiciously.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the nurse." I said helping him limp through the halls. "T-thanks, Y/N." He choked out. I smiled at Luke and used his compliment as support to keep going. Once we finally made it to the nurse's room, I helped him on the hospital like bed. I turned to leave but I heard him croak out my name. I looked over my shoulder. "C-c-can I s-see you again?" He stuttered with pleading eyes. I smiled at him "Of course! We're friends aren't we?" Luke managed to crack a smile and nodded. "Get better soon!" I said before leaving him.

Everyone had gone home, except a few people who either got attention or people who just hung around at school. I made my way to the front gate of the high school and realized that I missed the bus like 10 minutes ago! "Dang!" I whispered/yelled. "Need a ride?" Said a familiar voice. I turned to be face-to-face with my boyfriend Peter. I sighed and looked at my converse, not wishing to look at his face. "Y/N, I'm sorry. It won't happen, I promise!" He begged. "You bet it won't happen again. Because do it again and we're no longer a thing." I warned.
Peter's head bowed in shame and regret. Dang, I hated when he did that! "Fiiinnnnee! One last chance!" I groaned. Peter's head snapped up and I squeaked as he embraced me without warning. "Thank you, babe! Also, you coming to the party tomorrow night?" He asked breaking away. "I'm trying to convince my mother, Peter. I really am!" I said sadly. Peter frowned. "But, I may have to sneak out if necessary." I said smirking. Peter chuckling "You becoming a bad girl already, Y/N?" "Noppe!" I said popping the 'p'. Peter chuckled again at my response.
"So anyway, want a ride?" He asked going back to his first question. "Nahhh! My house isn't far. I can walk. I need a walk anyway. I'M TOO FAT!!!" I whined at the last part. "No your not! You got a body, that'll catch any guy's eye. Even a killer's for that matter." He winked looking me up and down. "Oiii!" I said covering my chest. Peter chuckled "Aright, just call me if you change your mind. See ya babe! Love ya!" He said blowing me a kiss and walking away.
"What a weirdo" I muttered to myself. With that, I started walking my way home. 

Not knowing that someone was watching from the shadows and enjoying the show.

"Poor girl. You should never walk home alone. Especially when I'm around."  

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