Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 26)

Start from the beginning

"Mom said... my dad was a bad man... She said he would drink, that he cheated and walked out... she said he walked out when I was two years old... I don't even remember what he looks like, but I do remember them yelling a lot. If he loved me... wouldn't he be here?"

Bray held Tyler slightly tighter as if he were protecting him.

"My father... wasn't exactly kind to me... I always swore that I would never be like my father... Now... I have a chance to be a better father than mine ever was... but of course... I'm not going to force you to call me your dad if you're not comfortable with it."

Tyler finally let go of Bray and wiped away the last of his tears.

"Dean really scared me... I thought he was going to help me, but then he started to pull me and scare me... I'm confused... I thought Luke died."

"Well... it's complicated... he did die, but I brought him back."

"You shot Dean..."

"I did... I'm so sorry you had to see that, but he left me no choice... I warned him... I told him to stay away. I don't think you understand yet, but one day you will... Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to protect your family."

Tyler was quiet for a moment as he tried to understand.

"He deserved it... He's a bad man..."

"Don't worry... things are going to be different from now on, things are going to be better now. Dean isn't here and can't hurt you ever again. No one will... I promise you son."

Tyler looked at Bray and then smiled. Bray realized what he said, but as far as he was concerned, Tyler was his boy now. Three months had passed and it was late one night after Raw. It was just Luke and Abigail on the road. Luke loved Abigail and was excited about having a baby on the way, but at the same time he had doubts in his head. He wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father, he wasn't sure he'd be good enough. As they were driving down the road Abigail started talking to him.

"You're quiet tonight."

"Just tired... it's been a long night."

Abigail could tell by the tone of his voice that something was bothering him.

"No... something is bothering you... Talk to me."

Abigail grabbed his hand. The soft feeling of her hand was enough to calm him down.

"I don't know... maybe I'm just making a big deal over nothing..."

"What is it?"

"I've been having thoughts... I'm excited about having a baby... I just... have doubt in my mind."


"I don't know if I'm ready for this... I don't know if I'm good enough to be a father."

"Luke... I'm scared too ok?... There is a baby growing inside of me... here in a few months I'll be bringing new life in the world... that's something I can't do on my own. I need you... we can do this together."

They both stayed quiet after this. Luke still worried about the baby growing up to hate him. It had started raining and it was late. One thing Luke didn't expect was for a drunk driver to run a red light and run right into them. The driver of the other car hit on Abigail's side and the force of the impact sent them rolling three or four times before finally stopping. The driver of the other car was killed on impact. Luke was dazed for a moment, he opened his eyes and realized that they were upside down. Their vehicle was so bent out of shape that he couldn't move his arms or legs, but that wasn't his concern. He looked to Abigail and saw that she wasn't moving, and he saw a lot of blood. Luke had a cut on his head and arm, but most of the blood was coming from Abigail. He then tried to free himself so he could get to her.


She was very weak and turned her head towards him.


Luke then started crying as he still struggled trying to get free.

"I'm so sorry Abigail... I'm so sorry."

Abigail was so weak, she couldn't really say anything, she was trying to figure out what happened. Soon paramedics, firemen, and policemen showed up to the scene. Luke was finally able to get one of his hands loose. He grabbed Abigail's hand.

"Abigail... look at me... Stay with me... help is here, don't you leave me again. Abby!"

There were a few men trying to get him out and Luke yelled at them.

"Get her first! Help her first!"

They did as he said and went over to her side. He kept calling her name, but she was unresponsive. She had closed her eyes, and judging by the sight of her, Luke thought she was dead. They put her on a stretcher and into an ambulance. They got Luke out and Luke was fighting them off to try to get to her, but they told him he couldn't go with her. The feeling he had before was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. Was this it, did he just lose the love of his life and his unborn child? He kept wondering if there was anything he could have done that would have prevented this from happening. Without Abigail, he had no future. He sobbed uncontrollably and thought the car should have hit him instead. Just as he thought things were finally going to change for the better, something like this happens and turns his whole world upside down. Why did it seem like God was punishing him? Did he not deserve love and happiness in life? Why did it feel like he was losing everything? A second ambulance came, it took him to the hospital, but he refused medical help. The cuts on his head and arms had stopped bleeding now and it was just dried blood. His tank top was stained from his blood, sweat and tears. He called Bray and told him what happened, Bray said that he would be there as soon as he could. Luke made it up to Abigail's room. The doctor that was working on her turned around and saw Luke.

"What you need to know is... she's in very critical condition... she has about a 50/50 percent chance of pulling through this... As for the child... she didn't make it."

Luke started to sob again, he didn't know what the baby would have been. Now he found out that he would have had a girl, but now his whole world was crashing down knowing that the baby had died. The doctor left and Luke was left alone with Abigail. She only had a 50/50 percent chance of surviving. He looked up like he was looking up into heaven and asked God why.

"Why are you punishing me?... I should be the one in a hospital bed... not Abigail."

He sobbed some more as he was mourning the loss of his unborn daughter. He sobbed and prayed.

"Lord... please don't take Abigail... not again. She's all I have left now."

Luke closed his eyes and sobbed as he sat beside her bed.

(To be continued.)

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