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It's been hard this past month. My mum was sentenced to death after killing her ex-husband. The kids at school have been calling me a freak and shoving me in the hallways. And you've been ignoring me.

I think it's time I put myself out of this misery.

You know that you've been on my mind lately? I've been recalling our conversation at the library. The way you were so nervous to talk to me and that made me smile. You make smile.

I hope you know that I love you. We barely know each other but I just trust you, ya know?

I hope your well and I wish you the best of luck with Karen. I noticed you haven't stopped staring at her the past week.

It breaks my heart knowing you don't love me. I guess that's another reason why I'm ending it. But don't worry, it's best if I'm out of my misery and free of pain.

Goodbye, Liam.

Love, Rosie

The note was held firmly between my hands. A single tear fell onto the note in my hand, causing my hands to tremble even more. The anxiety of someone committing suicide building up in my mind, fueling an anger deep inside of me.

My hands reached for my grade 5 football trophy, throwing it across the room and watching it dismantle against the wall. My fist collided with my desk, feeling the sting only caused me to punch harder. My knuckles bleeding from the force of impact, only fueling my anger towards myself for causing all of this.

I felt two hands placed on my shoulder, trying to calm me down but only causing me to throw them off of me. I heard a gasp as I found my younger sister lying on the ground, a terrified expression upon her face.

"I'm sorry." I looked down at her, offering my hand but realizing it was covered in blood. I watched as she slowly got up, backing away from me and heading towards the door.

"You monster."

I'm not sure if it was just the way she said it with so much venom laced with it or if it was the truth of the matter. I am a monster. I killed a girl, someone I liked, maybe even loved, and it was all of my fault.

I grabbed my lamp, tossing it the the wall and hearing it shatter as my room became dark. I liked it dark, it reminded me of my mind. And then I heard my mom yelling as the blue and red sirens flashed outside of my window, knowing it wasn't good.

And it all happened in a flash. The cops detaining me as if I was some psychotic case. The special hospital bed I was tied to, restraining my whole body, making it go limp. The ambulance taking me away and never letting me return.

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