Chapter 16 My Love

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*continue messages*
Joel:I'm getting my tumor taken care of today

My pov
Omg !what! And I'm not with him!?...why Yami why did you mess up ? Should I answer? Yes yes I should I want HIM? *said it in a question*
Me:really that's great 👍🏻? I miss you ! Joel te extraño 😔 regresa por favor no quiero que pases por esto solo quiere Ser nadie más

Joel's pov
She wants me back ! Yami yes I want you to I need u also

*as Joel was about to text Yami back they called his name to go to the doctors room,he didn't text Yami back*

Does he not want me back?-Yami
Why won't he reply Yami ur stupid why did you go to Erick that night !!! * screaming*

*nock nock*
Someone on the door? Who is it?-Yami
It's Erick-Erick
Are you ok I heard you screaming -Erick
Can I come in?-Erick

My pov
Ohh no what ughh a part of me wanted to open the door and eat him up his accent in English was everything
Another part of me wanted to run to Joel and be with him

*opens foor*
H-Hi Erick-me
Are you ok?-Erick
U-u-m-m yes,yes I am what do you want aren't you mad ? At me for doing that to you ? *breaks down*-me
Well I was because you were my first time and I love you but I guess you don't -Erick
Look Erick I'm sorry I really am but it was also my first time...-me
Really *smiles*-Erick
Y-yes ,why are you smiling *crying*-me
Well I mean I thought you had been with Joel before-Erick

Yh Yh short chapter Ik Ik im working on more 🤣 but this is what I have so far *joel will be more on the next chapter 🤔😏 be ready for some surprises 😉 -Yadira 😍

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