Chapter 4.

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Katerrina POV

I complimented the Chef, Dad, Mum couldn't cook what-so-ever. 

I said my Goodnights and headed upstairs. On my way I heard it again. The voices. And I'm sure it wasn't the monsters under my bed because I'm friends with those (LOL*Input song reference)

I just ignored it again. I was just tired right?

As I laid my head upon my pillow, I suddenly remembered my dream..

That cannot have been him though, Right? My brother was gone forever? He can't be in my dreams... It must be fake.




But what if it was real? Why does he keep saying 'Don't let the darkness consume you'? Why didn't he come with me? Why was he crying that night? 

Stupid. Unanswered. Questions. UGHHH.! 

Stop using your brain Katerrina, I told myself, Go to sleep! 

I reluctantly gave into the wave of sleep overtaking me.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.

Very refreshed.

I can't really remember what my dreams were about....

Huh. Maybe I didn't have any....







(October 6)

Oh my gosh..

It's my birthday.... My 12th birthday.... I wonder what mum and father have planned for today... They said they would do something with me.... I wonder what..?

I've never had a party... I don't know what I want or anything....!

Maybe just a party will be good. I hope father cooks though.... Something yummy hopefully.


I'm so hyper and excited right now....






2 hours later....

It's now 10 A.M. And I can't find them anywhere....

I walked out back and saw balloons everywhere.. And... Foodddddd.... Like, Yessssssss Omg!

I even had presents.... Every orphans dream! Well I'm a child now I guess.. Cause I have parents now.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATERRINA!!" About 100 people screamed loudly into the morning air. I only knew two people there. Mum and father.

I stood there awkwardly after thanking everyone graciously.

Mum grabbed my hand and started introducing me to people. Starting with this guy who smelled weird. Like the old dog I used to play with.

"-rrina, this is Simon Orange."

Tehe... "I like oranges." I replied giggling.

"oops. Sorry.... I-l-lm sorry.... "

I added quickly.

But to my surprise he just laughed and said,"Me too Katerrina, me too."

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Alright... I'm not going to give any stupid excuses. I just haven't felt like writing. Sorry.

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