Shy/Socially Awkward

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I am weird I am deathly shy and socially awkward when it comes to people I am not close too. But if I am close to them and everything I talk a lot and have no filter. Like when I started at my school last year I did not talk at all but this school year I am talking more than I used to. I don't know how Liz didn't know I was shy and too shy to talk to her. I surprised myself the other day because my mom was out of town and my dad works nights so I stayed with my brother on the weekend and we went to a a friend of a family friends party and surprisingly I actually socialized to people I didn't know. Like one person brought up politics and I was freaking out but I acted all calm and gave a reply on the subject that wouldn't start a fight or anything and made it so I can go off topic. Anyway I feel like me being socially awkward was a genetic thing because my dad is too but I don't know why I am so shy like I wasn't shy when I was a kid I started being shy at like fourth or fifth grade for some reason.

Anyway I want to be less shy and socialize more so if you want message me and we can start a friendship

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