Chapter One

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A/N- So uhm this is my story, I hope you like it. And just in case anyone's confused, "these are spoken" and 'these are thoughts'

It was 2 minutes before Yoonbum's third class of the day was supposed to begin. He wasn't late or anything but he refused to enter the classroom. Currently, the young man was sitting at a nearby table pretending to look at his phone. This was an everyday routine, according to his notes Sangwoo would arrive any second now. Everyday he arrived at 11:59am and headed into room 123 for the only class they had together. Yoonbum continued pretending to text friends he didn't have, until he glanced up just in time to notice Sangwoo turn the corner and make split second eye contact. It seemed like forever but it was only a moment before Sangwoo disappeared behind the walls of the classroom. With only about 20 seconds left, Yoonbum gathered his things and sat at his seat, thinking he has no chance (or courage) to even speak with him. The class started as it always did, with the teacher (Mrs. Blook) writing the lesson of the day in the board. Not that any of it mattered, Yoonbum never listened anyway. He just doodled and took occasional peeks at the brunette in front of him. Yoonbum realized that his actions went far beyond the normal attitude of someone with a crush. But he didn't care, Sangwoo's calm demeanor, bright smile, and overall extroverted behavior made him pretty popular. Especially with the ladies, which is why Yoonbum had no chance. There was one girl Sangwoo was with a little too often. Was she his girlfriend? Best friend? Family member? It was unknown, no matter how long he watched, Yoonbum couldn't figure it out. They never kissed but, do friends or family hold hands? Is that normal? Oh well, all Yoonbum could realize was that Sangwoo was far out of his sad, gay reach. There were so many thoughts in his head that he almost didn't notice the names being called, "Sangwoo and Yoonbum, you'll be partners for this project... your topic.." the words spilled out of Mrs. Blook's mouth. Springing up and out of his daze, Yoonbum was too surprised to listen to the rest of what his teacher had to say. All he knew was that he had a reason to be associated with Sangwoo.

So the class went on, and this time Yoonbum focused a little more. Since he had no idea what the project was about, he hoped to gain as much information as possible. In the last 10 minutes of class he learned that the project was a long paper along with some detailed visual. The visual could be a poster, a powerpoint, even a video. Mrs. Blook didn't care as long as it clearly helped people understand the topic of their 7 page minimum paper. The one thing Yoonbum never learned was the topic. Since everyone had a different one, his only choice was to ask Mrs. Blook or Sangwoo. He didn't know which was worse. But as class ended and he was grabbing his stuff to leave, he decided to wait it out and hope that Sangwoo would say it later. Which brought up another problem, Sangwoo himself. Yoonbum had spoken to him on one occasion, other than that well... nothing. An average person would say Yoonbum was a stalker but, he thought of it more as learning about someone you care about. Since, nobody knows when the information could be useful. So sure, Yoonbum knew who Sangwoo hung out with at school, where he lived, and what he did on the weekends (sometimes.) But he wasn't harming anyone.

"Uhm, Yoonbum?" Those words and a strong hand on his shoulder pulled Yoonbum out of his thoughts (again.) He looked up to find Sangwoo looking down at him with questioning eyes.
"Are you mute or?" Sangwoo chuckled, "well whatever, for the project, she told us we have 5 months but, let just get started today, alright?" He was waiting for an answer, so Yoonbum just nodded and Sangwoo continued, "we can do it at my house, here's the address and see ya at what? 4:30? Cool, bye." That time he didn't wait for an answer, he handed Yoonbum a paper and walked away. Not that he needed the address, but he kept the paper. What? Sangwoo had good handwriting.

A/N - Children who fail their coloring exams always need a shoulder to crayon

A+ Project (Killing Stalking)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora