What Type of Book the Signs Are

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Aries: Stay-up-late thrillers with bountiful plot twists. One you take everywhere you go.

Taurus: Laid-back summer reading books you find in your closet that turn out to actually be really good.

Gemini: Fiction, the fairytale kind that has a main character with an attitude. There's a lot of characters, but somehow you remember who they all are.

Cancer: Comfort reading, the kind of books that you can turn to when things get stressful. Love able characters and a cute plot.

Leo: Adventure books full of suspense and occasional bits of humor. The kind of book that you keep on the top of your shelf.

Virgo: Informational reading, but the fun kind where you find interesting facts you didn't know before and will definitely use with your friends.

Libra: Books that seem boring at first but then develop into an amazing story with twists and turns and a lot of history. Don't judge a book by the cover.

Scorpio: Mystery books. Chilling, suspenseful, having you guess what will happen and you're almost always wrong, but in a good way.

Sagittarius: Art books with colorful designs and helpful tips inside the covers. These come in many different styles but every one is fun and unique.

Capricorn: Books about school life, clubs, and other things like that. Very drama-filled, but extremely fun to read. It's easy to bond with these characters.

Aquarius: Science fiction, particularly books about space and different dimensions. Thoroughly interesting and sometimes a bit strange, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Pisces: Books about kingdoms far away, and princesses who aren't very princess-y. The storyline is magical but full of danger. Be careful who you think you trust in these books.

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