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"Martin" yelled Jane in complete distraught. Their father had come home late from the pub angry and drunk. He thrashed Martin around violently hitting him. Jane sat in the corner watching this with tears in her eyes and hurt in her heart. When it was finally over Martin and Jane sat together hugging eachother and crying. They wanted nothing but eachother at that very moment. That very night they fell asleep next to each other holding eachother for comfort.

They woke up to an empty house and realized they had a chance to finally run away. As they walk out of the back door, they see their neighbor Mr. Plover sitting on the balcony, deep in thought. He notices them running off towards the woods and yells their names. They stop dead in their tracks and turn around. He motions his finger for them to come to him.

"You're not gonna tell on us, are you Mr. Plover?" asked Martin in an anxious tone.                                "Please children, how many times do I need to tell you? Call me Christopher!" He exclaimed excitedly. Mr. Plover had always been there for the children when they felt running away was necessary.                                                                                                                                                                                 "Mr. Plo- I mean Christopher. We can't go back. We simply can't! Last night he beat Martin for hours on end!" said Jane shakily.                                                                                                                                   "I know children, I heard. You know, I do have 2 extra rooms in my home, and yet nobody to fill them." 

Jane and Martins faces lit up with excitement. They always wanted to live with Mr. Plover and their dream was finally coming true. Maybe miracles are more then they appear?


If this very very very short chapter does well, then I will write long, effortfull chapters. Until next time, - ILikePunkandShii

Filory and Further - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now