The blood from your nose now stained you shirt and the tears didn't stop.

You both walked up to a black car. Ryuga opened to door for you and you sat inside, he climbed in after you and sat beside you.

"Watari could you pass me the tissues?" Ryuga said.

The man in the front that must have been his driver passed back the tissues.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Light was being a dick, again..." Ryuga said.

He took some tissues and wiped away the blood from your nose and the tears falling down you cheeks that kept flowing.

"I'm sorry he did that to you (y/n)" Ryuga said, he handed you some tissues and you held the under your nose.

He put an arm around and gently hugged you as you kept crying.

"You're not a crybaby, it's normal to cry in these situations. I'm a bit of a crybaby myself" he said.

You wrapped an arm around him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for defending me" you said.

"It's really no problem, Lights a dick anyway I've kicked him the face before"

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you bring up Kira back there?" You asked.

"Have you heard of the detective L?"

You nodded, grabbing a new tissue.

"He's me. And light is suspected as Kira"

You shot your head up to look at him in shock.

"So you're saying that the famous detective L just saved my ass?" You said as the tears stopped.

"Yes,  taking you to Kira investigation HQ, I'll patch you up and have a word with Lights father"

As soon as he said those words, the car pulled up in a high tech looking place. L took your stuff and got out of the car. He put an arm around you again and you walked into the Head quarters. 

You saw lots of police officers and a girl sitting around a monitor wall.

"Ooo, who's the girl L?" The blonde girl said.

"This is (y/n)-" L turned to look directly at Lights father "she was abused by Light"

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"WHAT?! Why her? She's so cute she doesn't deserve to be punched! UGH I'm so calling him out when he gets back" the girl said.

"Misa now is not the time" L said.

"My son did this?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"Yep, I had to fight him to get him to leave" L said.

"He's in so much trouble" Lights father said.

L took you upstairs to clean you up. He sat you on the floor of a bathroom and got some antiseptic, bandaids and wet rags.

He started to wipe all the blood from your head and clean the cuts.

"Why are you being so nice?" You asked.

"Because no one should be treated like that, and you've done nothing wrong. And from what I've seen in class you're a sweet and intelligent girl" L said.

You felt your eyes start to water again as L put a bandaid on the cut on your head. Your nose had stopped bleeding and you had a black eye now.

"What's wrong?" He asked as tears started to fall down your face.

"You're so nice to me, I don't deserve this,  I'm just a crybaby" you said.

"You're not a crybaby, you're just sensitive, which is completely normal. We have that in common" L said.

You dived into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, you're so nice!" You subbed.

"You're welcome, of you want to talk about anything I'm always here"

After talking out your feelings with L, he gave you a clean shirt to replace your blood stained one and put some ice on your black eye. You were smiling thanks to him, the first time you'd smiled in a good long while was with a guy you just met, and quite possibly had a crush on.

He took your hand and walked you back out into the monitor room where you sat down next to him and stayed in his arms for the rest of the day.

Light came by, only to be scolded and grounded by his dad.

Let's just say, your life for better from the moment you met L.

Lawliet X reader one-shots (Death Note) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now