Chapter one. Trust

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Two weeks

It's been two weeks since the night my father killed my mother and himself. I was never close to

My mother she let him hurt me. I can remember night after night he would stand over me and kick me untill I couldn't breath, he would only stop once I had passed out. And my mom was just as scared as me if she had tried to help me he would have just turned on her. I don't blame her but I was helpless the people who were supposed to protect me were the ones endangering me.

I've been in protective custody since that night an will soon likely to be sent into the foster care system. Being that I am 16 there really no chance of me being adopted. I dont really know how to feel right now well I guess I feel barren. I feel alone. I was fairly anti social in school because I was and am afraid of people getting to close. I don't have anyone it's just me. I'm sitting in the office of my social worker Emily she's out of he room off getting a copy of some legle document she needs me to sign. Her office is extremely nice but at the same time intimidating though it is Beautifull it ihas an air of cold industrialism and success. I sit in a larg hard leather arm chair feeling extremely out of place in my holey black skinny jeans and worn out grey teeshirt. I deffinatley I don't fit into this picture of elegance and professionalism.

I look up when I hear the door quietly open and shut and hear the light clacking of emilys expensive looking shoes walk across the hard wood floor. She takes a seat at her desk and looks up at my with her stark pale face she was dressed beautifully but looked warn and cold.

" griffen" she smilels tightly

" you'll never believe it"

I just blink at her in reply but she goes on as though I had answere it made no difference to her.

" a family is interested in you"

More scilence on my end

" griffen they would like to adopt you."

She says looking at me as though she has just won the lottery and chose to give her winnings to me

" adopt me"

I say not as question or even a stament just words strung Into a sentence.

"yes griffen adopt you. The names of your parents , that is if you so choose to have them. Are morasette and revery greyfeild. They have five children and some of their extended family living with them. The children are three boys and one girl. Avery, gabriel ,Rainey , and Lucy

Don't ask me the names of the extended family beacause I don't remember."

"That's a large family"

I say.

Do I really want more people in my life that could potentially hurt me are another three years of foster care. " are you certain they want me?

" yes griffen it's now up to you wether or not you want them. I've already done a home study and background check. Thought I should find out about hem before I got your hopes up. They check out they seem quite lovely not to mention wealthy."

Neither option really apealed to me but maybe

These people would be different. But I know that it's most likely not true people are all the same...



Hey guys this chapter one!!! Yaaaay seriously please give me some critiques I would truly appreciate it and if anyone has some book cover ideas that would be great

All my love

Holly hudsson:)

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