"Shayaan Ahmed get your ass here now" She said with irritation

"Oh no mom bad words where is dad I need to talk to him" I teased mom, with mom I can act all naughty

"Mr Shayaan Ahmed get your ass here right now you need to pick Zenish and take to buy the bridal dress" Mom ordered

"Why should I go with her? She should be going with you"

"No I have important issues to look after, you need to go with her"

"Mom you know I am not fond of women shopping, still you are asking me"

"Its not any women shopping Shyaan, its your woman's shopping I thought you would be thanking me for doing this but you are complaining"

"Its not that mom you know I cant tolerate these things, beside I have an important meeting"

"Then cancel it and pick Zenish now Shayaan" With that she hung up on me"

With passing days, wedding date is coming near I m getting nervous about this decision

Am I doing this right?

Will she able to walk with me like my wife? Will I regret my decision of marrying her?

Ugh these thoughts but I know one thing Zenish has something which makes me think I am not going to regret marrying her. Its not like I m in love with her or started liking her

Hell no

I have seen ending of façade of love story in my life. The love get disappeared and eventually story ends by this

"Show that one please" I heard her saying to shopkeeper

"Here mam" From about an hour I m sitting in this damn boutique and my fiancé is just looking the dress with confusion

"Hurry up Zenish I don't have a whole day" She glance me to stay quite

She is probably doing this on purpose but don't dear I have something planned for you which will destroy your so called pride

I am getting frustrating now, I shouldn't have come here. First I cancelled the most important meeting and now she is frustrating



I miss mama and Anum, with them I could choose easily but with him, ugh

Allah please help me!

I heard his phone rang and he excused but giving me look to choose fast

It's not I didn't like anything here, it's just these all dresses are so beautiful and...........costly as well

My attention was caught by another beautiful dress. It was red with silver border. I took the veil and placed on my head to see how it look. It was different from other ones

I was so busy in looking myself not realizing someone's gaze on me. I looked through mirror to meet green eyes of his which was again making me lost in them, he was holding phone near his ear probably talking to someone

"Well I must say you chose the dynamic piece mam" the shopkeeper said making me and him out of staring world

"Well then get it packed" He said the shopkeeper left

"But I didn't say I like it" I protested

Because you love it my mind said

"I don't care whether you like or not you already wasted my time Zenish and if you forgot I said we need to talk" He said

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now