Chapter 18 The end

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Flare's pov
Springtrap growled at me as he punched me. I fell backwards, into the wall. "You are so f***ing dead." Spring said, twitching has he picked me up by the neck. It felt like my neck could break at any second, until he all of sudden screamed in pain, letting me go. Lucile had somehow gotten out of her cage and stabbed springtrap with an sharp glass pieces. Springtrap growled even louder. He threw Lucile to an wall. You could hear a sicking crack and believe me, that wasn't the wall..............

I thought this was the end of both of us until an light appeared in the restaurant. There, I could make out what looks to be ghost of children? An ghost of a mom and some actually alive people.
Marionettes pov

I gave everyone the signal, it was go time. Freddy and foxy were distracting springtrap. Flare and Ballon boy were helping Lucile get up. While me and the others were making a salt circle. As we placed Blue and white candles around the circle. I could tell we were running out of Time. Springtrap was about to break free and if that happens and he destroyes this, everything would've been for nothing. I quickly put white and light purple flowers near the candles. Then we get some vases, pour some holy water in it and put the flowers inside the vase. I helped Lucile to the middle of the circle. Now it was up to her now

Lucile's pov
Everything was happening so fast, it's as if time sped up. I look around, my sight blurry. For some reason, I felt the need to say random words that were probably not even words. But the feeling was so strong. I look behind me. Everyone, the ghosts of the animatronics, the shadow animatronics, and my friends were trying their best to hold back springtrap. But it was to no avail. He was coming, and fast. I have to do this

Ehlota Everdein Zenrios!!!!

Third person

When Lucile said those words. I beam of light struck the attraction. The beam of light was consuming everything, it continued until the entire attraction was consumed.

Minutes later, the light beam disappeared. The attraction was nothing but ruble. Everyone was pretty fine and well, expect for springtrap. His left arm was completely torn off, one of his eye balls were missing. His left ear, gone and an damaged leg. Springtrap got up. "You... Y-you. BETRAYED ME" springtrap yelled at the shadow animatronics. Who just looked at each other and back at him "you know, you have been treating us as just THINGS you can just use whenever and whatever you want, well.... We ArE dOnE bEiNg BoSsEd ArOuNd" both of the yelled as they attacked springtrap, ripping apart different body parts. Then it was the ghosts turn. They tore up his insides. There was blood and guts everywhere. Now this time, Lucile's friends would stomp on the most swollen, most bloodiest part of the body they could find.

Springtrap stopped moving. He just laid there,
Until he got up.
His body was reassembling together. As he walked towards the crew. Hate was the only thing he felt as he made his way to an crouched over body of Lucile. Knocking out anyone who tried to stop him. He finally got to Lucile "Say your prayers, bi-" he was cut off by an bright glittering gleam that blinded him, when he was finally was able to look. He was Lucile in perfect condition, her broken bones and bruises and cuts were fully healed. Her angel wings were back. More white and shiny then ever. Lucile's looked completely different, like an warrior angel.
Her looks are up on media

"Be Prepared, for you, you will not see the darkness of chaos and destructions ever again!" Lucile yelled as she charged with an sword/ wand in hand. Her attacks were combined by an sword and magic. More than enough to defeat springtrap. First she struck his chest, causing a deep cut. She then blasted away both of his arms and legs, rendering him useless, "I will not kill you, but you WILL, BE. Punished" she says as an chain was placed around springtraps neck. "You will forever wonder the earth, not being able to cause pain or chaos to anything for 10000 years and during that time you will feel all the pain you put me through" Lucile said. Putting her sword/ staff down. Springtrap screamed bloody murder. "Please I beg of you Kill Me!!!!!!" He begged before Lucile who was tapping her foot "funny, I do recall begging for you to kill me but you never did, why should I do the same. But. I will have mercy on your soul. If you are able to find one who loves you even as your hideous self and able to raise kids until they are 18. Your curse will be removed" Lucile says, going back to her original form, expect not bloodied and broken. Springtraps limbs were growing back as springtrap walked and walked. Until you can't see him.

Saturn came from the heavens with a bunch of other Angels "dear our dearest Angels, you have earned a place in heaven, if you are still alive you won't be able to go to heaven until you die however those who are dead may enter but never be able to return to the earth below." They all say, the animatronics including the shadow animatronics slowly faded away but before they went. They had something they wanted to say "goodbye Lucile. Hopefully one day, we will see each other again!" They all disappeared.

"Soooooo you can stay at my house, man I'm going to make myself the Ultimate peanut better jelly sandwich" flare said
Lucile giggled as she followed him to his house

This is the end of this book, Don't you worry though, I will make a sequel to this. It's a sister location sequel since so many people requested it. Hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the second book of this series

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