Blake Griffin

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This imagine was requested by rafaddsc14.
Your POV:

You were very excited for today. Your boss let you enter the LA Clippers' locker room to do an intervew.

You were a Clippers' interviewer and, usually, you talked to the players right after the game. But today was diferent. You've always found so atractive some of the players and you were having the opportunity of seeing them all shirtless!

You watched the game and cheered for the clippers. They won to the celtics and it was a very good game.

You watch them celebrate and talk to each other while looking at you. You were confused but smiled shyly.

Blake's POV:

"Look at that girl over there" Chris says, touching me with his elbow.

We all look at where he was looking and noticed a girl smiling shyly at us.

"Hot as hell!" Austin says, smirking.

"The first one to win a way to her heart receives 10 dolars from each one of us." DeAndre says, puting his hand out for us to shake.

"Deal" I answer.

Your POV:

They stopped talking and went to the locker room. You went after them to make some questions before it was too late for you to enter the locker room. You knock and someone tells you to come in.

"Hi... Sorry to bother you, guys, but I needed to make some questions to some of you" You say, looking at all of them shirtless and them looking back at you, amazed.

"So... You're a reporter... Sure! Ask everything you want" Blake Griffin says, shirtless and just with a towel around his waist.

"Okay, let's start. Blake Griffin, what did you think of the game tonight?" I say, pointing the recorder to him.

"Well... The game was tied and I think that we played very well as a team and we had good statistics." He says, smirking at you.

You notice DeAndre behind him and raise an eyebrow. He starts making weird noises that make both you and Blake laugh a little.

He moans louder and Blake turns around to hush him, when his towel falls out. You stare at him in awe and then noticed that you were staring for too long and looked away, blushing.

He picks the towel up quickly and blushes hard. His teammates burst out laughing.

"I think it's better for me to go now." You say, walking out of the locker room.

As you closed the door, Blake got out too and closed the door behind him.

"I'm... I'm sorry about that... I wasn't expecting that" He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay... I didn't see nothing" You said, laughing.

"Can I have your number? Maybe we could make conversation without my stupid teammates and the recorders." He asks, shyly.

"Of course" You say, picking a pen and writing your phone number on his hand.

"See ya" You say, jogging away.

You couldn't believe it yet! The first day your boss made you ask questions in a locker room and you saw more than what you should. Should or not, you were going to keep that pic on your mind.😏

Blake's POV:

I enter the dressroom again and all of them were still laughing.

"Ah Ah Ah... So funny..." I say, serious.

"Well... One thing is guaranteed. You won a way to her heart and so much more with that" DeAndre says, laughing again.
Hope you like it! 😉


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