Chapter 2

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He drives a Cadillac. A freaking Cadillac. He's honestly so mainstream.

"Skylar, what do you think of my car?"

"I think that it doesn't suit you very much." Oh goodness Skylar what are you doing. He chuckles and speaks

"You know you're very outspoken, not afraid to say what's on your mind."

"Well you did ask me what I thought about your car, and I just happen to be very honest." I say

"It's good that you dont like it, because it's not mine. I'm trying out different styles to see what kind of car is perfect for me."

"Well now you know which one isn't."

"That I do."

The rest of the drive goes in silence. Not the awkward sikence but the silence with 'Secret' stares and occasionally hands that 'accidentally' bump into each other. He turns on the radio, and Royals by Lorde comes on. We both groan because that song is so overplayed.

"Nothing good is on" he says. Just as I'm about to reply, he hands me a bulky CD bag.

"Pick something out for me would you?"

"Sure." is all I manage to say because when I open the bag I see hundreds of CD'S. Not only that, but they're all authentic versions

"Wow, how did you get all these original CD'S?"

"I come from a family that works in the media business" He says nonchalantly.

I look at the CD titles

The Beatles Live, The backstreet boys, and my favorite, The Fray.

"No way! You have The Fray?"

"Yeah a classic too."

"We've got to put this one on!" I say excitedly.

"Maybe next time, we're at the drop off point." Next time?

"Oh I was excited to listen to it." I say glumly.

"You know what? Take it, you can give it to me tomorrow for your lunch break or something."

"Really? Thank you!" I say happily.

"No problem so I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Thanks for the ride too." I reply with a smile. I open the door and close it, he rolls down the window,

"Goodbye Skylar."

"Goodbye Harry."

I enter the apartment and I'm greeted by heavenly smells. Clarissa is cooking.

"What's cookin' good lookin?" I say

"Did you actually just say that?" she spits out while laughing.

"You'll always be my woman crush sweetie."  I say, and it's true Clarissa is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. She had jet black hair and and grey eyes, she was petite but had a very mature body.

"Sorry sweetheart but this is a project for class. None for you."

"Dammit" Clarissa was studying culinary arts, and she is an amazing chef. 

"Get over it." she says sarcastically before wrapping up her 'project' in aluminum foil. She grabs her keys and sunglasses, opens the door, and shouts

"Why don't you go get dinner with that pretty little boy that drove you hear?"

"Because he's just a friend."

"That's how they all start out." she says before exiting.

What to do, what to do. I've been laying on my bed for the past thirty minutes but I can't find anything to do. I grab my bag, to take out my phone when the CD of The Fray falls out and I instantly get an idea. I go open the screen door, to step out on the little terrace we have. I open a door,  a little storage comes into view. I start sorting through a ton of junk until I find the box I was looking for and successfully tug it out. I close the storage door and enter the apartment.

Everything is in place. I grabbed my bag which contained my sunscreen, and all the essentials for a day by the pool. I slipped on some sandals, and closed the door behind me. I turned around and let out a yelp.

"Sorry if I scared you but is this your dog?" he says. It was Fizz. Of course it was.

"Yeah that is, he must have gotten out a while ago. Thanks for bringing him over."

"No problem, I'm Niall by the way." he says.

"Uh, Skylar" I say and extend a hand. He shakes it, and gives me Fizz who I slip inside.

"Well thanks again."

"No problem have a great day!"

"You too, Niall" I say and make my way towards the pool.

The pool only has two or three people lounging around. Each building of the apartments has their own pool so things dont get crowded. I don't really understand that since the complex isn't very large, it's more exclusive but doesn't cost a fortune like most exclusive neighborhoods do. I swipe my entrance card over the sensor pad and swing open the gate. I make my way over to one of the beach chairs that doesn't have a covering over. I cover it with a towel because with the sun on it all day the rubber is probably scorching.  I lay down and apply my suntan oil since I already applied sunscreen back at the apartment. I pull out an old CD player and my headphones. I slip on my sunglasses and plug in my headphones. Popping open the CD player I carefully insert The Fray CD and close it, I press play.

My favorite song turns out to be track number nine. "You found me" was the name of it.

Where were you when everything was falling apart?

All my days spent by the telephone it never rang.

And all I needed was a call that never came

To the corner of 1st and Amistad.

I open my eyes so that I can turn over, when I see him. He looked so hot. He had tattoos scattered all over his arms and near his ribcage. His hair was in what I've come to decipher as his usual style. He had on some black sunglasses and his swim trunks hung on his hips. Although he didn't have toned abs, they were visible. He lays down in one of the beach chairs and I watch him for a few minutes before I realize he has fallen asleep. An idea suddenly pops into my head and I get up and make my way over to where he is. Next to his beach table his a wine bucket that's empty, and I grab it and make my way over to the pool. I dip it and take it out, it's full of water. I silently make my way back over to him and hold the bucket above his stomach where I know it will feel the most cold. I tipped and it splashed all over him. Although they were covered by sunglasses I knew that his eyes must have shot open. He yelped and got up.

"What the hell Skylar?" he said rather angrily. I didn't think he'd be that mad

"I, I'm sorry it was just a joke."

"Some fucking joke." he responded harshly.

"I'm sorry" I say silently. All of a sudden he grabs me by the hips and makes his way towards the pool. It's then that I realize he wasn't really mad at me, he just used it so I would let my guard down. I banged at his lower back.

"Put me down Styles!"

"I wasn't planning on getting wet! Harry put me down!"

"Should have thought about that before you dumped a bucket of water on me" he responded before he threw me into the water


I'm so sorry you guys had to wait that long for an update I promise it won't happen again. I hope this chapter made up for it! Please spread the word about this fan fiction! My twitter is: Fablikehazza

Also don't be afraid to leave suggestions/corrections, in the comment section below or send me messages. Thank you guys sooo much!

Please comment and vote♡ Next update will probably be Friday PROBABLY ~ Erianalol (:

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