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Yurahime's P.O.V.

I stared at the scenery as the limo drove towards our destination. I noticed that the household is surrounded by forest.

'How creepy.'

When I felt that the limo stopped, I quickly hop out of the car and stretched my legs. Sitting for so long makes your legs feel numb. When I faced the vehicle, I noticed that the driver already got my luggage out and drove away.

'That was fast.' I thought in surprise.

I looked at the mansion before me. Its dark colors and aura already adding to its creepiness.

"I can't believe Yui is now living here. It's so dark and dreary and really dangerous. Just like a real haunted house." I said outloud in disbelief.

'Well here goes nothing.'

I walked over to the door with my suitcase and knocked on the hard surface. I waited for someone to open it and to my surprise it was Yui that opened it. She also looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yui-chan!" I said in happiness.

"Yura-oneesama! What are you doing here?!" She asked in surprise and happiness.

"I got an invitation to live here and I accepted it."

"Really?! I'm so glad."

We were interrupted when a cold voice cut in.

"How many do I have to tell you that the guest are escorted in the living room."

I  looked at the boy who said that. He has purple-black hair that fades to purple-gray at the tips and has light red eyes that are covered in glasses. He is wearing very neat clothes that makes him look like a butler.

"Do you really wanted to get punished that badly?" He said sadistically. This made Yui terrified. Sensing the situation, I quickly intervened.

"Please don't get mad we were just happy to see each other." I said calmly. He glanced in my direction and scrunitized me over. He then finally stared at my green orbs and I calmly held my gaze against me. While this was happening, Yui seemed to avert her gaze from me to the boy nervously. There was a tense silence until another male voice interrupted our staring contest.

"Oi, oi chichinashi how dare you run from Ore-sama." He said in a demanding tone. And then his eyes landed on to me.

"And who is these big-breasted woman?" He asked rudely. He has red hair and green eyes. His attire is unruly and with his attitude, his probably an arrogant jerk.

"Don't interrupt us." Glasses said.

"Starting something fun here without me?" A seductive voice suddenly said behind me. I could practically feel his breath on my neck.

"Teddy is asking who is she?" Another male voice said behind me. I went rigid at the warm and wet sensation in my cheek. I quickly turned around to face the new people. The first one has ginger-red hair with a fedora covering it and has identical green eyes same to the cherry boy. He seems to be a world-class pervert. The second one has purple hair and eyes with dark undertones and is carrying a cute teddy bear with an eyepatch.

'What are they? How can they suddenly appear?' I thought in confusion.

"She tastes so sweet like Yui here."

"No fair. I want to taste her too." Fedora whined. He then leaned at me and licked my cheek.

"Sweet just like Bitch-chan here." His words got me irked.

"What did you just call my sister?." I said dangerously.

"And she has guts too. I already like her." He said ignoring my question.

'What a rude man.'

Cherry boy suddenly shouted.

"Don't ignore me!!!" He shouted irritated.

"Shut up, you fools." Butler said. He then turned to the couch where a blond-haired boy was sleeping with his earphones on. That's strange. He wasn't there before.

"Oi deadbeat. Did you know that there is a new guest?" He said annoyed. He seems to not like him. Earphone-guy opened one of his eye, which was blue, and stared at us.

"I remember now. The old man said to me that there is a new guest coming which is the perverted girl's sister." He said lazily. My eye twitched at his words.

'Did he just called Yui a perverted girl?' I thought in annoyance.

"Next time, try to deliver the message that man is giving." Glasses said.

"That's way too troublesome." Earphones replied back.

While this whole ordeal happened, me and Yui just watched them in the sidelines. Me watching calmly while Yui is uncomfortable. Glasses soon turned to look at me.

"Sorry for the wait. If you would please follow me." He said not sorry at all. I almost jumped when a butler suddenly appeared and took my luggage then disappeared back in to the shadows. I then followed Glasses. I also noticed that the other boys has already disappeared. Yui seems not shocked by their appearing and disappearing act. While walking side by side, I leaned down to whisper at Yui's ear.

"Yui-chan who are those boys? And how do they appear and disappear in thin air?" I whispered lowly but I noticed that Glasses seems to have heard us.

'How suspicious.' I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Yui seemed scared by my question and was unable to answer my question. I was going to reassure her that she doesn't need to answer my question when she whispered back softly.

"They will introduce themselves Onee-sama and for your second question it is better to find out for yourself." She answered in a somewhat terrified voice. I raised my eyebrow at her form. What have they done to make Yui so scared. I was angry.

"Oh my god. Are they abusing her or are they harassing her sexually? What are they doing to my cute imouto?' My thoughts were in a frenzy. Every terrible scene flashing in my head. And I can't get them out of my head without assuring my imouto's safety. I may look calm and cool on the outside but on the inside I was hyperventilating.

My thoughts were broken when we entered a door. All of the boys were present including another one with white hair fading to light pink at the tips and angry red eyes. He seems to be a person with anger issues. They all gaze at me with curious eyes. Glasses turned to me.

"Now then, please introduce yourself."

Knowing that it's my cue, I put on a neutral face and introduced myself to them calmly.

"Hello everyone. My name is Komori Yurahime and Komori Yui is my little sister. It's nice to meet all of you."

The Eve's Mysterious SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora