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Rafaela woke up, she yawned. Her alarm had gone of already for the third time and as the red haired girl looked for the time, her eyes widened. "Damn it I'm gonna miss my bus!!" She yelled to herself, as she was home alone. Her mother and father where on a business trip and she hadn't seen them in three weeks.

Rafa put on a dress and high knee socks, in ten minutes she was done, her make-up and hair, where a little messy, but she just had three classes...
Rafaela didn't really care about looks, if she had overslept, most of the time, she got to school in her PJs. But......

Since her mother and father would come home and they did care about looks, so much that her mother slept witth make-up on.

Her father had called the other day. He had said they had 'wonderful' news, the truth was, that Rafaela never liker there 'wonderful' news, mostly it was good for them, not for her....

8:07 am

!!! She was coming to late, two minutes until the bus would come and it was 4 minutes of walking. With her coffee in her hand, (she always had a closed cup with coffee in the morning) she ran to the busstop. The bus drove by and she litterly jumped in the bus, greeting the driver, with a sour smile. She made it.....

Rafaela walked over to the transtation, she always had to travel far for her school, 45 minutes if you'd wanna know. Her train was full, but the girl found an empty seat. "Thank god." She muttered, standing in a train for an half hour was not her favorite thing.... I don't really think it's anyone's favorite thing.... but we're changing the subject.

Raf closed her eyes and 30 minutes past by. She stood up and walked over to her school, who was next to the train station. Rafa sighed, korea was a beautiful place, but she hated the traveling. Still, she was happy that she lived home and not in a dorm, full of screaming girls...

"Ash!" She ran quickly to her class, german.... She hated the class, deu to having the most horible teacher. Still she wanted to learn the language, it just didn't work....she couldn't remember a single word..... Wait she could remember one word: langweiligggggg.

Rafaela rolled her eyes, not funny, she arrived by the class and knocked on the door. Miss Hamilton, the german teacher looked at the girl with large eyes. "You're to late..."

The red head grinned and showed her watch, "nope i still have a minute." She giggeld and walked over to her seat, next to her best friend naomi. "Na, did i miss something??"

"You?? Nah, she just gave a speech about us... working harder..." The black heard girl rolled her eyes, "I'm already happy with just a stupid 6. But jeh I'm just a mocking...bird..." Raf laughed softly, "geek," she Whisperd. "Together geeks.." Naomi replied.

~2 hours lateeer~

Rafaela walked to the cafeteria, her hands were holding Naomi's. "Aah, I'm dying for a cup of coffee, german and english, both boring classes." Naomi sighed, "sadly, mum and papa are coming back today, no coffee for me..", the red head replied. "I don't know, but they always notice me drinking coffee..." She muttered again. "So for me coco!" Naomi giggeld, "you go girl." She let go of Rafaela's hand and sprinted to the coffeebar, in the meantime, Rafa walked over to the common bar, where she bought a coco.

Suddenly she saw her mother and father walking over to her, what where they doing here in school??!
"Mum, papa... You're both back vere soon, i thought you'd come back tonight?" Thank god, the girl took coco instead of coffee. The Mother smiled a little to her girl, as the father walked over, "come sweetheart, school is over for you... we're going to meet your new husband..."

{To be continued}

Heey guys,
The first chapter of my new story and as you can see in English!!
I worked really hard for my English and learned it trough rp (roleplay)
I've become a official roleplayer!!
So i thought let's write a story, to celebrate^^

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