"C'mon." The director ushered us to follow him and Taemin grabbed my wrist immediately.

We lowered our heads as cameras clicked and women squealed.

It's funny how quick news spread among fans. Once a celebrity appear in public, that spot becomes a radar for anyone to gather and awe in.

The stalker effect...


The crowd quieted down as the camera crew set up their equipments.

I scanned the clutters of squeezing people and saw the excited faces of young and old.

Some teenage girls were holding Taemin banners trying to catch their oppa's attention.

I noticed some fans of mine too waving and smiling at me waiting for me to notice them.

Taemin and I sat in the gazebo's shadow, we glanced at each other before taking a deep breath.

More and more people flooded the park, increasing my pressure as hundreds of eyes peered at me in anticipation.

"Okay, don't forget the final act! Remember your lines! Look straight if you've forgotten them! Ok... And ACTION!"

"Mee listen, I didn't call you out today just to- Mee listen!" Taemin grabbed my hands and I turned away.

"You don't understand Hyun... I thought you like Minji-"

"And I thought you like Dongyul... Look, you wouldn't have come out with me if you didn't like me... And I... Wouldn't have asked you out here if I didn't like you." Taemin smiled cutely causing me to smile in return. "So what do you say? Are you going to help us or not?" Taemin placed a hand on my cheek and I stared into his eyes.

"Hyun... If you like me, then why are you helping her?" I frowned and ready to push Taemin when he gets closer.

"Because she'll run from anything bad in her life... If I don't help her, she'll get lost." Taemin scooted and I shoved him back.

"Admit it, you totally like her!" I got up angrily and turned my back against him as I crossed my arms. "You're just using me to keep Dongyul away from her..."

"No, that's not true!" Taemin stood up right behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "Mee, we're just friends-"

"Then what are we?" I peeked over my shoulder to see his lost puppy face.

"We're... We're..." Taemin started to lean in and the cameras zoomed out.

This was the pretend kiss scene we were hoping to act out.

With my head faced away from the center camera and Taemin's head in the shadows, it seemed like we're kissing even if we're several inches apart.

All the credits goes out to perspective.

"CUT!" The director stopped us before out final act. "Let's roll from the beginning."

And with that, we filmed another 3 times for backup measures.

"We're, we're-"

As Taemin said his lines, I looked back behind my shoulders for the 4th time and readied myself for the kiss act; but something caught my eye instead:

A boy with bright red hair wearing a familiar pair of huge framed sunglasses that covered his dark eyes and eyebrows.

It wasn't the color that snatched my attention, it was the face structure underneath it.

That sharp v-line jaw along with that perfect small nose and mouth belonged to only one person I know.


Jiyong was part of the crowd!

My body unconsciously followed my line of sight, turning 180 degrees inevitably facing Taemin.

His eyes widened and for a second he glanced at the director.

For some reason, the cameras didn't stop filming.

My eyes stared onwards at the redhead and my mouth slightly opened.

Taemin took this chance to cup my face as he leaned in.

That's right! The kiss scene!

I mentally slapped myself for my loss of concentration and proceeded to close my eyes.

I felt Taemin's hands covering our mouths; but despite our pretend lip lock, his lips did brushed up against mine.

Some fans watching were whispering if that kiss was real or not, but our director reassured them that it was all an act.

"PERFECT! BEST SCENE YET!" The crew clapped along as the director congratulated us. "That's a wrap people! Good last minute thinking Celia, I was starting to feel like the kiss scene was not as interesting until you decided to change it up, and you too Taemin! Really put you on the spot here!"

Taemin blushed and I padded his back.

"Sorry for messing up." I whispered into his ear and he perked up.

"It turned out well." Taemin grinned cutely but then stared at me curiously. "What shocked you?" Taemin asked quietly as I scanned the crowd.

There were no sigh of that bright color red...

"... My imagination." I smiled and followed the crew back into the van.



A man's voice called me causing me to veer around immediately.

"... Oh hey Louie."

Louie raised his eyebrow and chuckled.

"You never looked so disappointed to see me." Louie grabbed my hand I stared at him curiously.

"I'm riding the van back, what are you doing?"

"Your scene is over right? You're done for the day." Louie tilted his head and I nodded slowly.

"I guess..."

"Then you can come with me, quick!" Louie started to pull me along and I didn't move.

"Why the rush? I'm going to celebrate the season finale with the crew this afternoon." I snatched my hand back and Louie's jaw clutched as he smirked.

"I got you a new job, don't you want to go see it?"

With that, I followed him to his car as fast as I can. Not before saying goodbye to the Love Sick crew first, promising them I'll be at the finale party later.

"Oh boy oh boy, what is it what is it?" I bounced up and down as Louie drove us to an unknown place.

"Calm down Celia, you're acting like a 5 year old." Louie snickered as I pouted.

"Well if you only tell me what it is..."

"It's a surprise!"

I couldn't get him to spill no matter how much I tried.

When the car arrived in front of a skyscraper, I felt myself getting pumped again.

"This looks important." I gawked at the fancy exterior of the building as Louie parked beside it.

"Come, my lady." Louie extended his arm out for me to hold and I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

We walked into the luxurious magazine company arm in arm as the doorkeepers bowed.

"Wow." I glanced around the lobby and squealed on the inside.

This is going to help my career... A lot.

{CyberStar} G-Dragon Fanfiction (GD x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora